
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 8:47pmSanction this postReply
Thanks, Michael.

This is the biggest issue of the magazine yet. And another milestone: TNI is on its first newsstand -- on K Street at Connecticut and K, in Washington, D.C. They've even put it in the front WINDOW.

I'll try to take a photo and post it.

Michael, I think you and other subscribers will attest that simply reading the text of articles online, a month AFTER subscribers have received their copies, is vastly inferior to having the actual thing in your hands. Beside the content, our stunning covers, graphics, and illustrations alone are worth the price of subscription.

If readers wish to see for themselves, they can request a free copy of the latest issue, by clicking here.

Post 1

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 1:24pmSanction this postReply
  • Edward L. Hudgins, "The Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party" (a masterful dissection of how the Republican Party is losing its way because it is abandoning its focus on individualism)
  • They never were focused on individualism. Will it soon be available at Barnes and Noble?

    Post 2

    Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 4:38pmSanction this postReply
    Ignore.  Posting to fix the last post.

    Post 3

    Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 8:37amSanction this postReply
    Robert B,

    Congrats on putting together a great issue. And I haven't finished reading it yet... But so far I have been impressed not only by Ed Hudgins' article on internal conflicts within the Republican Party, but also Marsha Enright's piece on Tom Wolfe (who may just be the best American sociologist of the past half-century) and Robert Jones' review of The Lost City. And I plan to read Karsh's book on Islamic imperialism, on the strength of Thornton's review.

    Robert C

    Post 4

    Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 4:40pmSanction this postReply
    Robert C, thanks much. The magazine is only as good as its contributors. But fortunately, TNI is attracting some very good writers indeed.

    Next goal: adding ground-breaking investigative journalism, as well as some lighter monthly features. Stay tuned.

    And for those of you who haven't yet tuned in, it's time you did.

    Post 5

    Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 5:57pmSanction this postReply
    MSK, thanks for posting your kind notice and Robert C, thanks for your words as well. We're proud to be putting out a quality product and in addition to future improvements mentioned by Robert B., we've a plan to get it more more newsstands, starting in the D.C. area, which we hope will include Barnes & Noble, Borders and the like.

    By the way Chris, as I indicate in the piece, a political party is an alliance that brings together diverse groups for certain goals and thus one can't expect philosophical accuracy or consistency. But the  quotes I offer from the party's 1964 and 1980 platforms are remarkable in their straightforward endorsement of individualism and freedom as the ruling principles of the party, as are the quotes from Goldwater's book. Sadly, such sentiments are buried today under the rise of the neo-cons and social conservatives.

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