
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 8:33amSanction this postReply
Are these people even worth engaging?

Post 1

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 9:44amSanction this postReply
Not directly and not on that site. An article with link to dailykos and keywords that would come during a search that refuter the crap in there WOULD be worthwhile! :-)

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Post 2

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 11:08amSanction this postReply
Don't link to them. It just gives them more credibility. Also, Google's indexing algorithm adds points for external links so linking to them makes them show up better in Google searches.

Post 3

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 11:16amSanction this postReply
What's worse, raising their Alexa score or leaving their trash uncommented upon? That's a real question, not an argument :-)

Post 4

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 4:32pmSanction this postReply
"Afraid" is putting it far to mildly.  They're effing terrified.

Post 5

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 5:45pmSanction this postReply
Can anyone tell me where I can read more about Rand and the serial killer?  This is news to me.

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Post 6

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 8:21pmSanction this postReply
The reference is to Rand's notes at age 23 (1928) for a proposed novel about a murderer versus a conventional small town, The Little Street. You can read the story in Journals of Ayn Rand, p 20-48.

Rand was struck by a story in the newspapers story of a young murderer who showed no remorse and flaunted society's mores. She was apparently not very familiar with the actual rather disgusting details of the crime, just with the killer's lack of remorse. She was fascinated by the idea of someone so willing to defy convention, and considered writing a story of a remorseless criminal. It was not the violence but the self-assuredness that fascinated her. Of course she later identified this type of person as a lone wolf.

If these notes make Rand a sociopath, then what is Norman Mailer or Bret Easton Ellis?

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Post 7

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 9:40pmSanction this postReply
Remember, these are just notes written to herself to brainstorm about a plot and themes. And if you read further in journal, there are other sections where she talks about wanting to write about what would motivate a society that uses the crime to explain or to justify their outrage, an outrage which is really not about the crime but about a person that refused to conform and is coldly indifferent to their wishes.

She is thinking about something much like another story she proposed - one where early on an industrialist seems to be the bad guy, but the deeper you get into the story the more you see that judgment is only because of societies perverted viewing glass. In the end he is the hero. In the story where she used Hickman for ideas, she let the character be someone that did wrong, yet still ends up as a mirror for the cultural perversion of altruism. And, you can see the early seeds of Howard Roark - who instead of being a bad person, is someone who did a 'bad' thing - by altruistic standards, but in fact was exhibiting the highest morality.

Notice how much this is like the out of proportion outrage directed at Rand from this trashy writer and the knee-jerk morons who posted comments. They use misrepresentations, out of context quotes, and fabrications to damn her for crimes that either aren't crimes except through their twisted viewing glass, or are made up altogether. When the real crime they hate her for is refusing to be a sacrificial animal - for refusing to put on the altruistic yoke.

She also wrote that the person in her proposed story was only modeled on Hickman's exterior and specifically said her character would not have the same "degeneracy" on the interior. Further she was looking a the story having a theme where someone's fierce sense of independence and intense sense of life as a child were turned against him by a society that hated him for those qualities and he became warped and twisted in his reaction to the culture's hatred.

Look at her approach. She held tightly to the theme - egoism versus altruism - while casting about for extremes of story line to bring that battle out in bold, naked form with no compromise and no hiding from the heart and soul of the issue. And notice that she kept struggling with identifying and then representing the principles of that theme till she finally got all of the key elements in just the right place with Fountainhead. The Fountainhead was so true to what she loved - it went beyond her key theme (without neglecting it in the least) and painted the portrait of a heroic man - and in doing so, spoke more closely to her sense of life, her first and last love, that vision of the heroic man.

This young girl who had been here in the states for about 2 years was struggling with finding the most powerful way to identify and dramatize the conflict between an individual's glorious pursuit of happiness and the vile hatred it arouses in an altruistic culture. About 8 years later, she began writing the Fountainhead. And, now 81 years later, the toxic, blindly irrational eruptions on that web page prove she was clearly on the right path and the right side and that we still have a long ways to go.

Post 8

Monday, September 21, 2009 - 9:46pmSanction this postReply
Of course, too, there is that quote from We The Living, of what Kira is saying, deliberately mis-stating the intent, that she was explaining how the communists see it, not that she, Kira [Rand], sees it that way...
(Edited by robert malcom on 9/21, 9:47pm)

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Post 9

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - 6:36amSanction this postReply
But I don`t think of you Tim Ellswise Toohey

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Post 10

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - 9:39amSanction this postReply
Tim Wise is crusading anti-racist, who fails to see how his own support of altruistic servitude and denial of individual rights would also support the very slavery that blacks were subjected to in the antebellum South. One would think that a militant anti-racist like him would also understand the difference between freedom and slavery -- between the right to the pursuit of happiness and a compulsory duty to serve the needs of others.

He advocates "compassion," without understanding that compassion is not something that can be commanded or compelled, and without recognizing that the statist system he endorses lacks compassion for the very producers whom it plunders and exploits, thereby depriving others of the benefits for which he claims that compassion is required.

Compassion must be earned; it must be given in response to the virtues of character in others. Compassion that is extended only on the basis of need to those who do not deserve it is a vice not a virtue. One does not properly feel compassion for irresponsible fools who waste their lives and resources and then demand to be bailed out by others. Yet that, apparently, is the kind of "compassion" that Wise is endorsing and which he condemns Rand and Objectivists for not supporting.

- Bill

Post 11

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - 4:09pmSanction this postReply
I have a very strong suspicion that Tim Wise is the hate filled polluter on Rand's Wikipedia page that Ted and Steve tried so hard to defend.

He's got a horrible, hate filled article against Rand posted on his Facebook page. Wise is nauseating.  

Post 12

Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 1:29amSanction this postReply
Tim Wise: In keeping with his strange morality, he not only withdraws his superior talent, but also sabotages the nation's infrastructure (the roads and bridges) thereby making the transport of fuel and grain impossible, resulting in chaos, starvation and general suffering.

Apparently Mr. Wise read a different version of Atlas Shrugged than I did, the version where the hateful, mean Objectivists wantonly destroyed stuff, rather than the destruction being the predictable consequences of the statists' actions.

I guess the book reads differently if you start off with -- and cling to all the way to the end of the book -- the premise that altruism and a really large government are forces that do good things.

Post 13

Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 3:58amSanction this postReply
yes, there's a person with a lot of hate - one who insults my 'religion', Objectivism... should he be held to court for this? ;-)
[supposed to work for Islamists...]

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