I watched the landing with a forgotten girl on the couch. Later, I applied for the Journalist in Space competition. Walter Cronkite and John Denver both were eliminated, but not befor the project was cancelled by the Columbia disaster. Still, I learned to fly, and I worked at Kennedy Space Center. (Initially a technical writer, my best gig was selling collectibles via NASA Exchange because Timothy Leary said that the future needs snakeoil salesmen.) Space is the place: Come to the High Frontier! In fact, the private efforts were first of course and were only shunted aside during the decades of collectivism in the 20thcentury. In fact, private enterprise has the long term advantage in exploring and exploiting off-planet resources. -- Space is the Place The supreme achievement of the Apollo missions - and the NASA space program in general; and, in fact, the entire global enterprise of space - is a singularity symbolizing all of the very many achievements the we create every day. -- Apollo 11: Mission Accomplished.
(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 7/18, 6:51pm)