I have only read one of his books, Worthless, a book about selecting a worthwhile college major, and it made for worthwhile reading. Based on that, any post I see that warrants saying, "Enjoy the decline," warrants saying it as the title to his book and linking accordingly. I did this at the "other" site operated by the "former" founder of this site, and I was duly reamed for doing so, and I was kindly told by certain regulars, "Grow some balls." Why grow them, or, more aptly, expose them, if those in power will simply castrate and eat them? Better to keep them intact for health and copulation. An athletic cup can only protect against so many predators. Seriously, though, as a man pushing 50, I am getting too old for this nonsense. We are clearly in a tailspin. I expect a bloodbath may well result in the next 20 years, and the world is too stupid to see it coming. I am truly despondent. Thank Galt I have no children. I have no interest in raising them in this kind of world.