
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 80

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 12:36pmSanction this postReply
Life experiences the universe as benevolent when it is an environment amenable to life. But life proliferates on the margins of the possible - not much excess for safety or flourishing, and nature often chooses replacement over repair. But this is a consequence of the properties of existence, and the pressure of competition.

There are unfortunates that happen to camp at the wrong place at the wrong time, and find a series of misfortunes that no doubt make them feel as if the gods conspire against them. That is their experience of living at that place and at that time, and it is valid. As valid as life if joyful to someone who finds a lump of gold or a diamond.

Ever try to identify the essence of a "flaky" person? Notice how some people are good one day, and nasty the next? How they have a "good" side and a "bad" side? Or get into an argument with someone who tells you you "always" do something offensive and "never" do what is right? That seems to be afflicted in narrowing the context of time and space to the range of the moment?

Such people are unable to make complex integrations. They believe a thing is good - the universe, family, church, state or country, then it kicks them in the ass, and they feel its bad. Good one day, bad the next. And they cope with the complex environment by learning to operate, manifesting and attitude which changes according to the moment.

What is discouraging is not the metaphysical but the chosen. Yes, its easier living in a society than a state of nature, but if we are not of a favored race, religion or gender, of a member of a favored family, or a favored political party et., and we are in a culture of rampant discrimination, we will not experience society as benevolent but rather malevolent. One needs only read the news of rioting and school shooting to see that certain un-favored cultural unfortunates consider life, after years of object lessons in futility, unworthy of their benevolence.


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Post 81

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 1:34pmSanction this postReply
I said:
Thus the universe is beneficent to the man who is able to understand it and act in accordance with its fundamental axioms.

Robert Davison then said:
Who is able to understand the universe? Man is a local phenomenon confined to planet Earth. The axioms you are talking about have to do with man qua man as nature intended him to be on Earth.

I reply:
Are you saying we cannot understand the universe because we live on earth?! If I remember correctly the axioms of existence are true throughout the entire universe. Thus we have an objective basis on which to understand the rest of the universe that we don't know about. If it were otherwise there would be no basis for this discussion since the ability to even have this discussion is dependent on the three axioms of existence being true. I would assume that you as an Objectivist (as you claim in your extended profile) are talking about an objectively knowable universe. Even if we do no know much about the universe outside of planet Earth, that does not change the fact that we are able to know something about the universe.

My philosophy's not called Objectivism for nothing.
(Edited by Adam Buker
on 11/09, 1:37pm)

Post 82

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 1:58pmSanction this postReply

Bonk. That was one of your best posts.

Yes, we do know something about the universe. One of the things we know is that life can be joyous. The existence of that capacity for joy is a very benevolent thing for living creatures in this universe.


Post 83

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 3:35pmSanction this postReply
For those that can feel the joy, yes - is in their nature, properly speaking...

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Post 84

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 5:29pmSanction this postReply


With all due respect, this is like the fourth time in this thread that you do this to Robert: ‘You are a scumbag, Robert, the lowest form of filth. Now, that said, would you answer this question…’ No one will respond to that.

With all due respect to you(and this is sincere, because I usually enjoy your posts and your wit)...(1) I never called Robert a 'scumbag' or "the lowest form of filth".  I did come into this thread without pulling any punches with Robert after the way I saw him begin this thread and because I've seen him at this trick before.  There were several that responded to Robert with perfect benevolence at first(MSK and Mike E being two) and their efforts were met by Robert brushing their insightful posts off as "facile".  It is only when challenged further that Robert always begins to play the character of the innocent inquirer who is being unfairly treated.  The first time he did that to me, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and extended my benevolence to him.  I was wrong to do that in that case, especially given that what he was doing at the time was taking quotes by prominent evolutionary biologists out of context in order to intimate that they were against evolution(this is the modus operandi for creationists as anyone who has spent much time studying the subject knows).  Here in this thread, he has quoted Rand out of the context of her entire philosophy in order to speculate about even more egregious nonsense.  At this point I did call him malicious, because I do not believe he is as ignorant as he tries to pretend once people call his BS.  We may have to respectfully disagree here Jon, but I'm never going to back off from this 'wolf' in sheeps clothing.  Go and take a look...he's over at another thread now spreading the gospel of I.D.(fancy little euphemism for creationism).

Post 85

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 5:32pmSanction this postReply

You didn't address the thrust of my inquiry.  But okay..

Yes I short cut the knowing the universe part because I am talking to Os.  We can know about existence for sure and it is theoretically possible that one day man will know everything about the universe, every nook and cranny, but our focus for living is here on earth, not an afterlife in heaven or in the great beyond of space. 

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Post 86

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 7:25pmSanction this postReply

I think you have invented an interpretation of Ayn Rand's "benevolent universe" that she could not possibly have intended. Then you dare anyone to change your mind. Then you will be neither swayed by their arguments, nor offer a counterargument other than insults. I thought this was a great topic to begin with and perhaps and opportunity to "connect" with you but obviously you have a different agenda. I have to admit to a lot of sympathy to Jody's point of view.

I will think twice, no THREE times, before engaging you in the future. No, not because of your towering intellect.

"You didn't address the thrust of my inquiry."

What total, complete bullshit.

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Post 87

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 5:04amSanction this postReply
Mike E and others,

I give up.  Agenda?  This is a leftist technique to silence, an implication that certain subjects are not PC or taboo.  Thread dead. 

To anyone interested in pursuing further discussion, contact me privately or begin a new thread.

(Edited by Robert Davison on 11/10, 6:08am)

Post 88

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 8:05amSanction this postReply
I still think all the guy wanted to do is talk about it. He was trying to figure something out.

Please don't shoot the piano player, he's doing the best he can.

Post 89

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 9:50amSanction this postReply

My last post was in response the Michael E.  Do you think he wanted to discuss anything?  Maybe I am wrong.

Post 90

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 11:25amSanction this postReply
You got me, man...

I'm still trying to figure out how people pulled the idea that you were proposing deism or ID.

Inquiring minds need to know.

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Post 91

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:09pmSanction this postReply

I am still searching for happy Objectivists.  They talk a good game about the joy of life and all, but as a lot they are pretty hateful.  I am not talking about the occasional loss of temper, which gets us all sometimes, but out and out continuous and sustained venom.  Doesn't bode well. 

The only one I have found so far is Bidinotto.

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Post 92

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:28pmSanction this postReply
I don't know how you're unable to find happy Objectivists on SOLO. They're posting chicken-crossing-the-road jokes or exchanging lighthearted banter about circumcision.

Post 93

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:30pmSanction this postReply
Oh Aaron, now you are going to be offended when I call you shallow.

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Post 94

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:40pmSanction this postReply
I can assure my sense of life is alive and well.  Equally alive and well is my disdain for disingenuous attempts to put words and meaning into Ayn Rand's mouth and to defend creationsism.  But, this is your method of defending your statements isn't it?  Attack the person, say they are bitter, say they're being mean to you and misunderstanding you, or simply call them 'facile' or 'shallow' as you've done in this thread.

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Post 95

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:40pmSanction this postReply
Mr. Davison, for DARING to call me a "happy Objectivist," you may consider yourself morally repudiated.


So there.

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Post 96

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 3:41pmSanction this postReply
I'm very happy. (With Kitten, who wouldn't be?)

But probably pretty shallow by some people's standards too.


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Post 97

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 4:41pmSanction this postReply
Ugh... Robert D, right when I thought you were coming around you are right back to your old tricks again just as Jody describes...

 - Jason

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Post 98

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 6:19pmSanction this postReply

Bonk. That was one of your best posts.
Thanks, I'll get that third Atlas guy yet. Which is weird since I've been posting since the ye ole days of Joy Bushnell lol.


I'll give it a second shot, Robert, since you think I ignored your argument. I am not here to argue what Deism is or what Ayn Rand thought of the founding fathers who happened to be deists. What I am aruging is whether or not the benevolent universe premise has deist connotations as the thrust of your argument suggests that it might.

In my first post I argued that within the context of Ayn Rand's system of thought, that it would be impossible that she would say anything that could be interpreted as supporting any sort of mysticism. Deism even with its lip-service towards being 'natural' religion, is still a religion advocating a mystical entity beyond man's comprehension. There is no way for this to be confused with Objectivist metaphysics. You also said:

The axioms you are talking about have to do with man qua man as nature intended him to be on Earth.
First of all, nature does not posess free will.  If it does could you send me a video of you arguing with it?

Second, the axioms of existence apply throughout the universe, not just on planet Earth. Looking at the moon we know that it is not made of green cheese as the Apollo missions have demonstrated. If the law of identity did not hold then we could be correct in saying that its surface is both green cheese and regolith all at once. If the law of causality did not hold then two astronauts (assuming equal mass) could walk on its surface with one sinking and drowning in the regolith/cheese mixture, with the other bouncing off the surface like he's jumping on a motel bed. Why? The moon's surface is all green cheese and all regolith. Thus there is no identity to what the surface of the moon actually is therefore you cannot accurately know the moon's nature in terms of how it reacts in the presence of other entities. Obviously this is bullshit since we do have knowledge of the moon's surface and that we know how biological bipedal motion works on its surface. So you see, the axioms of existence apply beyond our earthly boundaries.

But what about a supreme creator who created a world explainable through science via natural laws? I see this as phony for two reasons. First something cannot be created from nothing. However, lets assume this creator has a ton of modeling clay from which to shape the universe. We still don't have any idea of who or what created the creator, or who created the creator of the creator, etc. Or in otherwords, we have the series of infinite regression. How about a different take. Let's say that existence simply exists, and God simply oversees existence, neverminding the fact that God seems to be a disembodied conscience. He looks at Moses needing to cross the Red Sea, and parts it for him. Is there anything that scientists know about the nature of the any sea, or of gravity that would allow it to part in such a manner? I thought so.

Lets look at another quote of yours.

Would the universe seem benevolent to a man asked to survive on Saturn or the Sun?

Who would be asking man to survive on Saturn or the Sun. If you answer nature, I'll just say what I said before. Nature does not have free will. We are not here because nature wanted us here on Earth (the only planet suitable for human life in this solar system), no more than we are here due to random chance. We are here as an inevitable result of natural causality. Causality is the underlying explanation for everything that is in the universe not here of man's choice. Ironically, man's ability of free will itself is a product of causality as it became imperative for our survival during the evolutionary proccess.

With that out of the way, you claim that the 'benevolent universe' is a personification. That is precisely what it is, but that does not mean that it is a logical fallacy either. I'll try restating in a more Objective sense, since you seem unable to get the message in the simplest metaphorical term. To a man who acts in accordange with his knowledge of the universe he gained by means of reason for a rational moral purpose, the universe is percieved by such a man to be benevolent. If you are still unable to see that there is no possiblity of a connection between Deism and the benevolent universe premise after this post, then you are not anywhere near an Objectivist.

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Post 99

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 6:24pmSanction this postReply
And now for the condensed version:

The axioms of existence are universal.
Deism is false as it is just another form of mysticism which violates the axioms of existence.
The moon is not made of green cheese.
B.U. is a personification but that doesn't mean it's false or illogical.
I must have me a third Atlas thingamasnuh.
Me luv make werd up.

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