| | To "Red" from "Fred":
There is no symmetry between paradigms based on forced association and those based on free association, just as there is no ethical equivalence between rapists and rape victims. Of that, I'm confident, and sleep like a baby accepting it as a local echo chamber truth.
A free America applauding those who choose socialism in their enclaves in the Vermont woods is not the same as an America over-run with National Socialism. Not to mince unpleasant words, but objectively, what else should we call the advocacy of socialism on a national scale, shoved down the throats of its intended victims by a 49% to 51% vote-- exactly the process that goes on in a gang rape, which is, forced association based on no ethics beyond the brute force of numbers?
What is the difference between free association socialism (a group of like minded folks getting together to run the latest about to fail experiment in the woods of Vermont, and more power to 'em)and forced association National Socialism?
Well, the former is freedom, the latter is Totalitarianism. You remember Totalitarianism? Local Turf War in Europe, similar minded crips/Nazis battling it out with like minded bloods/Commies over the latest OneSizeFitsAll vision based on forced association?
I've never gotten a straight answer-- in 20+ years of politely asking-- from the advocates of forced association National Socialism why a model based only a free association is insufficient to what they claim are their needs(the unwilling participation of their peers in a mob imposed national model of National Socialism.
At best, they roll their eyes into the back of their heads and start to speak for what is best for "S"ociety and/or "God wants" or "Social contract" or even, Rawl's latest take on the oldest carny huckster trick in the book(which is, hypothesizing an authority safely out of reach/over the horizon and then jarringly speaking for that authority, which always unsurprisingly agrees with the politics of the latest carny huckster to apply this formula...)
You remember Rawls argument? Imagine a state of perfect non-bias behind a'veil of ignorance' from which to stake ones 'initial position,' unaware of eventual outcomes? That perfect hypothetical state that only he can travel to and pierce, from where to conduct his 'all reasonable people' surveys?
Because I can borrow his Magic Carpet(the one that allows him to travel to this perfect state of non-bias)in order to conduct my own polls, and ask "Would you rather live under a paradigm of forced association requiring elites and subjects in order to attempt to enforce constructed outcomes, or would you prefer to live under a paradigm of free association based on peers living in freedom constrained to ask, not tell each other, with a government empowered only to defend that peer based freedom?"
And damn, if 'reasonable people' don't eschew the boot licking and would rather take their chances in a polite world of peers living in freedom.
So I see the appeal of the carny huckster trick; it worked for the high priests standing in front of the sacrificial alters by the volcano, and it works for the modern variants as well.
But I am sympathetic to the need for National Socialism, in fact, for Global Socialism, because the world has already run the experiment, several times. I mean, as long as there is at least one free nation on earth, it isn't possible to build the walls high enough, is it? The inevitable intended victims will find a way to flee, as long as there is a nation to flee to, to escape the clumsy tribal era forks.
And so, the absolute need for a global paradigm based on forced association. A view of WWII as a delaying tactic. Not a defeat of Totalitarianism, but a turf war over what form that global Totalitarianism would take.
See, when the USSR collapsed, that wasn't the end of Command and Control/Centralized Planning 'The Economy' running. Why no.
See, we didn't win the Cold War; we caught the Cold.
So, howzat working out for America?
Not bad, as long you have no memories of JFK's America.
There you go; actual words written by Fred; context.
regards, Fred
(Edited by Fred Bartlett on 5/26, 11:58am)