
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 10:09amSanction this postReply
Influx of women? Where? Unless you meant these women, but they have been here for some time now. And what's this 'Atlasphere' where women magically come from? It sounds like a place I'd like to go ;)

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Post 21

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 10:25amSanction this postReply
"You should be around more. I think THAT certainly would make the number of female SOLOists soar."

You are TOO kind! True, my wit is matched only by my talent for writing soft core porn (per the illustrious Ramblin' Robert Bidinotto), but that picture is just horrendous. While I am certainly no looker on the order of magnitude of, say, a Jason Dixon, Aquinas, Bidinotto, Rowlands, Bachler, (insert long list of handsome SOLO males) et.al., I must say that I am at least SLIGHTLY more attractive in real life than in the photo. Now that there are so many delicious female morsels wandering hereabouts, I ought to get a better picture submitted.

Before there were so many chicks around, I was content with readers thinking "damn, that guy is funny-looking, but he DOES have a point!" or "if only he could clever his way into a new face..." or, you know, whatever..

But now that I there are more ladies, plus an outside chance at garnering some same-sex fans, well, hell, camera, here I come...

Ramblin' Robert Bidinotto:
"How come the poll doesn't have a category, "Bidinotto cast-offs"?"

Because the truth cuts too deeply, Robert. The truth cuts too deeply! Can't you let them retain SOME measure of self-respect, you egotistical lady-killing MONSTER!!!!

"Makes it harder to argue with a JJ, Jennifer, Hong, or Jason because they're so damned huggable."

Could be, could be. Now, for the record, I dont know crap about you, pal. But there is something about the tone of your writings that makes me want to take you to a local pub and buy you beer. I guess that's my ham-handed male way of saying I like you. We'd have fun, but even more fun if Ramblin' Robert came along to stare and nod his head, ever so slightly, in amusement at my drunken antics. Now, if we could get the SOLO ladies out for a drink as well, we'd REALLY be cooking! Half-way thru the night, I'd probably call Jason Dixon and the rest of the good looking male SOLOists, because by then, I would have managed to offend all the ladies, and would be too toasted to care about the competition. Hell, we could even invite Kat and Michael. The dreamers could watch their cuddling and plan for the same for themselves. The depressives could stare and lament that such is not for them. I would probably just stare to check out the hot action... There really need to be some planned SOLO BingeFests arranged, internationally. Alcohol mandatory, except for the designated driver.

Post 22

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 10:53amSanction this postReply
Scott writes:

Because the truth cuts too deeply, Robert. The truth cuts too deeply! Can't you let them retain SOME measure of self-respect, you egotistical lady-killing MONSTER!!!!

Oh yeah? Who's "egotistical"?

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Post 23

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 11:30amSanction this postReply
"[Why] Are All Of These New, Attractive Female SOLOists Coming [Here]?"

Same reason I've watched Objectivist campus clubs lose all their women. Those clubs got taken over by the most left-brained guys who were the most interested in only philosophical, technical discussion. And then the clubs became discussion only (often sharp-elbowed and rancorous) and the women vanished. Women and well-rounded people want to be around more well-rounded people and not endless fourteen hour or ninety zillion post discussions of particle physics or privatizing the roads. [You do have both on Solo, and that's great and has its place but not constant...and it's easier to avoid on a website than in a room or predominating in an evening's or week's agenda.]

The first time Nathaniel Branden appeared at an Objectivist conference in modern times (TOC about eight or so years ago), I hear that he got up to the podium and blinked ...and whispered to the person who was to announce him and the first words out of his mouth in shocked dismay were: "Where are all the women?" (In the NBI days it seems, there were dances, lectures and courses on the arts, lectures by Rand on fiction...just a somewhat generally broader range of interests.]

This is what happens when professional academically-leaning philosophers run things, rather than psychologists and novelists. One of the less intelligent things David Kelley did under his administration of TOC was to turn its conferences year-by-year more into 'seminars' of a nature that fit his own personality and comfort zone - marathon sessions of lectures from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. with relatively little break and with exhaustion precluding social activity for many participants. The social organization, dances, faculty-student softball games and other on-the-schedule fun, the talent show -- all fell by the wayside.

Solo is a website, not a weeklong conference or think tank. But it has more of the spirit of a well-rounded social mixture of widely differing interests and less eggheaded, left-brain "academic" hairsplitting technical-issue-debates approach to Objectivism.

That is the future...

...For Solo, for TOC if it is to have a future...and for Objectivism if it is to have a future.

--Philip Coates
(Edited by Philip Coates
on 5/25, 11:44am)

Post 24

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 11:35amSanction this postReply
Elmore, just because you put me up on a pedestal doesn't mean I'm a high priestess.  But the incense & ritual dagger are ready for your initiation ceremony this weekend. 

Her highness?  I kinda' like that, actually.  ;-)

He's been puttin' the moves on Jennifer, but it's a transparent ploy to get her to cook for him.

It's a lie!  A dirty shameful lie!!  Now, I won't say which part...

Post 25

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 11:38amSanction this postReply
Excellent post, Phil!

Half-way thru the night, I'd probably call Jason Dixon and the rest of the good looking male SOLOists

Excuse me?  Halfway thru?  I don't put up with being called a SOLO "lady" for nothing!  I'm gonna' be the first one there and the last one to go...except for those occasional times when me and a couple of other hottie SOLO'ists have myseriously disappeared (only to return short of breath & with huge grins, no less). 

Edit to add:  Hmmmm, Unless me and all those SOLO studs were somewhere having our own little party...  Wow, this has potential!

(Edited by Jason Dixon on 5/25, 11:39am)

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Post 26

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 11:53amSanction this postReply
Thank you, Phil. You hit the nail on the head. If you take the fun stuff out, you suck the lifeblood out of Objectivism.


Post 27

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 1:56pmSanction this postReply
well, Max - she say she be 30 km from you, in ottersheim...[yes, she be looking in solo, reading my comments, along with others'....

Post 28

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 3:34pmSanction this postReply
Hah! My vote (spontaneous generation) is among the currently leading. I guess a plurality of the men here are wise enough not to explain women.

A toast to the ladies here and for more to come.

20% for "chicks dig epistemology"? LOL!

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Post 29

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 6:32pmSanction this postReply
John said:
"Makes it harder to argue with a JJ, Jennifer, Hong, or Jason..."

On a more serious note, I have noticed the difference in the attitude in some guys when they respond to woman. Some are nice, and some, well, may be too nice. Consciously or subconsciously the pics/names or even titles on the left do make a difference in some people's thinking. And I think that should be avoided. Speaking for myself, I'd appreciate much more a candid, well reasoned, and good willed debate based on what I write, rather than mere agreement or praise just because who I am.

But I do deeply appreciate your appreciation and have always acknowledge it whenever I can.

(Edited by Hong Zhang on 5/25, 7:28pm)

Post 30

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 7:13pmSanction this postReply

You mean you don't want to hear that your picture is adorable?!

Wickedly yours,


Post 31

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 7:55pmSanction this postReply
You mean you don't want to hear that your picture is adorable?!
Let me see...I agree the picture is adorable! Appreciated! ;-)


Post 32

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 5:10amSanction this postReply

hahah, I thought twice about the word  picture as well, your not going to catch me unawares Hong! But in good faith you know I am not talking about the quality of the photograph. BTW, the composition is a little too closely cropped in the upper left corner and bottom left corner for it to be something special. No it simply comes down to the subject of the photograph, which is what I was referring to all along.

(Edited by Newberry on 5/26, 5:11am)

Post 33

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 6:51amSanction this postReply
...it simply comes down to the subject of the photograph, which is what I was referring to all along.
As if I'd be the most objective person in the world to judge that. ;-)

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Post 34

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 7:05amSanction this postReply
Wow - immortalized in yet another Solo Poll. Thanks, this one is much better.  ;-)

For those who have not voted in the poll yet, the correct answer is:

"Trying To Re-Create The Kat-Michael Magic For Themselves"

That is the only response that truly corresponds with "Total Passion for the Total Height".... but of course, I'm a little bit biased.  I think what is really going on here is finding a sense of community with like-minded individuals, not necessarily girls coming here to look for guys per se.

I'm sure you fellas didn't join Solo to find chicks, what makes you think the girls came here to pick up studs? Wishful thinking maybe?  I will say though, that the disproportional male to female ratio makes it fairly likely that if one of the women in Solo was looking for some action, she could find it here. I did.

Thanks also, Scott, for your kind words and invitation to the party. We may have to decline because of the mandatory drinking requirement. That would put Michael in the driver's seat when he should be in the back seat foggin' up the windows with me.  purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Welcome to Solo to all the new women (and men).

Post 35

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 8:02amSanction this postReply
I'm sure you fellas didn't join Solo to find chicks,

Well, I certainly didn't!  :-P

But I'm still glad to have met the SOLO-chicks I have :-)

Post 36

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 8:41amSanction this postReply
John said:
It is distracting to have so many hotties around.
Oh John, you poor man!

But you can't possibly blame me! I am but a yellow-faced, middle-aged, dumpy, out-of-shaped mother of an eight year old and wife of another man. Talking about self-delusion and wishful thinking!

Post 37

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 12:01pmSanction this postReply
Hong: Talking about self-delusion and wishful thinking!
But Hong, if you listened to your "inner grandmother", you would realize that being "a yellow-faced, middle-aged, dumpy, out-of-shaped mother of an eight year old and wife of another man" is what makes you a hottie!

No delusion, but you have to imagine yourself as a grandmother. If you feel like slapping someone, just remember I got all this stuff from Luke.


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Post 38

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 1:54pmSanction this postReply
How did we get from talking about SOLO-babes and SOLO-studs to Lukes inner Grandmother?


Post 39

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 2:47pmSanction this postReply
Apparently, the disturbing images in my brain have no intention of being forgotten.

This could be the first time a hot, high-flying SOLO discussion got brought down to earth, then shoved six feet under...

To all the 'prospective' readers out there - this is NOT your typical SOLO thread imagery.

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