| | After reading the posts it shocks me that those who have registered for this site are not close to living a life of reason and rationality.
Obama is a vote for the policies of a greater socialist government, we all know that, but some of you seem to think voting for McCain is better...is it? In my opinion and my apparently better judgment, it is a vote of the same horrible magnitute, for the same reason. He is staunch in his fight against spreading the wealth around but he is still a member of the compassionate conservatives. He has no voice for business but cutting their taxes. Other than that he would have raped America, he would have been the modern day Robin Hood, the true villain in that so called story, as Obama is now.
Those that abstain or vote for Obama because it is inevitable are part of the problem in this two party tyranny, this lack of freedom of choice, this monopoly on politics. Those that abstain think they are boycotting, protesting the election and the two party system. But in this action, you are indicating your failure to respect your own life. You don't vote, you don't think, you don't act, you don't live. It is a contradiction to abstain in order to protest. A protest unseen, unanalyzed until the Republicans and the Democrats go at it again in four years when they try to sway those that didn't want to leave their home for the inevitable.
I went into that voting booth, and though you may say my vote was thrown away, I kept my integrity. 'Like Reagan said,"It's just one battle in a long war. Don't give up your ideas. Don't compromise...Don't get cynical", I voted for the person I thought represented the policies I wanted my life to be "ruled" by. I voted for my rights and life (the two are not separate), not for some altruistic, "self-less" act of abstaining