| | I concur with Jim and Robert. I was tempted at Shanghai -- If I could be miraculously transported there right now, I would go into business as a technical writer, creating documentation for Chinese products for the American markets -- How to Assemble, Care & Maintenance, as well as any other written communications targeted to Americans. It was tempting...
But then I thought of living in a 1000-year old city with 20 million people... Disease is my first worry. As Jim said, you might show up healthy, but, how would you stay that way?
Those same concerns nixed Florence, even Revolutionary America with its smelly people, filthy cities, savages and Native Americans... Philadelphia suffered from repeated typhus outbreaks. ... Sorry, I can't... Victorian England was possible. It would not have to be London. I could live in the country, exchange letters with famous people, like Darwin and Spencer, Conan Doyle, heck, even Marx -- "Look here, old man..." -- I could invest in Marconi! ... and Edison!! ... But, then, what?... More unwashed masses, cities full of horses.
If I were sent back to 1968, even at my present age of 60, I would have the advantage of foreknowledge, in a society much like my own, with nominally equivalent medical technology (which I never needed back then, anyway), as well as the comforts and pleasures of the 60s, 70s,... maybe even most of the 80s... A wise, old man, hippest and happeningest... At my present skill level, I'd be The Main Man of Libertarianism. Instantly. My books would eclipse Rothbard and I could even be a counterweight to Ayn Rand. I am 60. I speak well in front of audiences. I've been on TV and radio. From 1968, I would invest immediately in IBM and then DEC and DG... and Apple and Microsoft... I'd buy a '57 Chevy and a 65 Mustang and put them in a garage with a long lease... I could work at a dozen different jobs with what I know. I'd be accepted as a person of inherent social capital just by my bearing and demeanor.
The run-up in precious metals to 1980 would be real thrill to reexperience, especially with the earnings from my Silicon Valley consultancy.
(By the way, the phrase "Alexandrian Athens" seems misleading. Do you mean Athens of the mid-300s BCE, c 330 BCE, the time of Alexander the Great? It was a dump by then. The so-called Golden Age was from 480-450. ... even then, it was no place for a foreigner...)