| | Ah, so now the sin is "attitude." Not making absurdly false statements which could be checked with a simple google search. That's not a vice. Not calling people "shitcock," "asshole" and "fuckwad." There's no outrage at that. Not taking every opportunity to assume the mantle of victim who objects to having his own words quoted. Some of us are experts at that. No, the sin is having "attitude."
The unspoken premise here is that (like the professional victims Nietzsche identifies as slave moralists) you want to make it a sin when I refuse to give nonsense (whether it is about Avatar or attractive nuisances or Indian "savagery" or selfish genes or made up etymologies or calls for the assassination of the president or a myriad of other issues) a free pass. No one claims that I make stuff up, like saying that Jesus called for political violence, or that I use obscenities, or that I claim the role of victim and speak of vague emotional slights rather than argue on the facts. No, the complaint is always and every time that I point out without diplomacy the nonsense of so-called Objectivists who think they deserve a pass.
Sorry, I hold Objectivists to a higher, not a lower standard. No one complains when they agree with my criticisms, only when they suspect they are the butt of them. Well, if you don't like my pointing out the nonsense you produce you can either say it is unfair for me to point it out or you can simply stop producing it. I think the latter strategy is the better one.
I hope not to respond to this hijack of this thread any further, but if you want to start a new thread on "How Ted has annoyed me" in Banter I promise to read every post there.
(Oh, and by the way Steve, I only mentioned your Campbell complaint post in order to compare it to the lack of complaint by anyone for the shitcock post. There was no need for you to justify yourself, I was not challenging you, at least not here and now.)
(Edited by Ted Keer on 3/09, 10:40am)