
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 5:18amSanction this postReply
Interesting way to get the message out...

here's the site, with lyrics...

(Edited by robert malcom on 1/26, 5:36am)

Post 1

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 5:25amSanction this postReply
Yes, cute and nicely done.

Post 2

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 6:50pmSanction this postReply
and this has drawn the ire of Salon.com...


Post 3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 9:01pmSanction this postReply
LOL! I love it!

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Post 4

Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 7:07amSanction this postReply
this little bit in -


Post 5

Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 3:53pmSanction this postReply
You beat me to it, Robert!
Now, also in Japanese and Spanish.

I visit two sociology blogs, "Organizations and Markets," (http://organizationsandmarkets.com/) and OrgTheory (http://orgtheory.wordpress.com/) and both posted this. Of course, it is executed deftly. On YouTube, I searched for other "economics rap" entries and none was anywhere near as good, either for recording quality or cogent lyrics.

Post 6

Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 6:18pmSanction this postReply
Seems like they planning on putting together more...

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Post 7

Friday, February 5, 2010 - 7:53pmSanction this postReply
Yes, in junior high we made up songs or poems to memorize arbitrary lists of knowledge, the names of heads of state, chemicals, zoological taxa, and so forth. None of these lists of names had any underlying principle. There was no way to remember, based on a principle, that the name of the Spanish prince that Queen Mary married was Philip, as opposed to, say, Charles. I still remember that song from the ninth grade.

What, exactly, is so difficult about understanding which policies are Keynes' and which are Hayek's?

Maybe there are some business majors who have to take enough classes in economics to need to know this data but who aren't interested enough in the free market actually to bother to understand it that they need to memorize, rather than comprehend, the differences between the two men?

Or is this a campaign to educate the masses? Or to convince rappers to support policies that will protect their nest eggs?

Or is it just nerds wasting grant money?

Post 8

Saturday, February 6, 2010 - 4:51amSanction this postReply
French lyrics for Fear the Boom and Bust are below the fold. (TY to Amir Weitmann.) If anyone want to make a version with French subtitles, please go ahead.

Ca fait un siècle qu’on se dispute

[Keynes] Je veux diriger les marchés,

[Hayek] Je veux les libérer

Il y a un cycle d’expansions et de récessions et de bonnes raisons de le craindre

[Hayek] Ce sont les faibles taux d’intérêts qui sont coupables

[Keynes] Non… c’est la psychologie humaine qui domine

[Keynes chante:]

John Maynard Keynes, a écrit le livre sur la macro-économie moderne

C’est l’homme qu’il vous faut quand l’économie va mal [whoa]

Dépression, récession, c’est le moment de votre question

Prenez place et je vous expliquerais tout en une seule simple leçon

Boum, 1929, le grand crach

On n’a pas rebondi – c’est l’économie qui crache

Chômage persistant, le résultat de salaires rigides à la baisse

Attendre la reprise? Sérieusement? Jamais de la vie!

J’ai un plan simple que n’importe quel idiot peut comprendre

Le conseil est très simple – augmente la demande agrégée!

C, I, G, font tous ensemble Y

Fais en sorte que le résultat croît et regarde l’économie s’envoler

Ca fait un siècle qu’on se dispute

[Keynes] Je veux diriger les marchés,

[Hayek] Je veux les libérer

Il y a un cycle d’expansions et de récessions et de bonnes raisons de le craindre

[Hayek] Ce sont les faibles taux d’intérêts qui sont coupables

[Keynes] Non… c’est la psychologie humaine qui domine

Voyez-vous, tout ce qui compte c’est la dépense, écoute la caisse faire cling-cling

Flux circulaire, tout ce qui compte, c’est le fric

Si le flux est lent, peut importe pourquoi

Il faut plus de dépenses du gouvernement, c’est la saison du stimulus

Alors oublie les économies, enlève-les de ta tête

A long terme – on va tous mourir

Economiser, c’est la destruction, c’est le paradoxe de l’épargne

Ne gardez pas l’argent dans votre poche, ou la croissance ne redémarrera pas…

Parce que…

Les affaires sont dirigées par la psychologie

Le taureau et l’ours, et il faut en avoir peur

Les effets sur les investissements de capital, le revenu et la croissance

C’est pourquoi l’Etat doit remplir les trous avec son stimulus et à la fois…

Le monétaire et le fiscal, ils sont tous corrects

Les travaux publics, creuser des fossés, la guerre, tous ont le même effet

Même une fenêtre cassée aide le vitrier à s’enrichir

Le multiplicateur améliore la santé de l’économie

Et si la politique des taux de la Banque Centrale coule

La trappe à liquidité, où l’argent est coincé dans les banques!

Les déficits pourraient être le remède que vous cherchez

Dépenser, dépenser encore, maintenant que vous connaissez le score

Ma théorie générale a fait une grande impression

[Une révolution] J’ai transformé la profession

Vous me connaissez, modeste, mais je tire ma révérence

Dites-le fort, soyez fiers, nous sommes tous des Keynésiens maintenant

Ca fait un siècle qu’on se dispute

[Keynes] Je veux diriger les marchés,

[Hayek] Je veux les libérer

Il y a un cycle d’expansions et de récessions et de bonnes raisons de le craindre

[Keynes] J’ai expliqué mon opinion, Freddie H

Ecoute, peux-tu la comprendre?

[Hayek chante:]

Je commencerais en termes généraux, comme mon ami Keynes

Sa théorie masque le mécanisme du changement,

Cette simple équation, trop d’agrégation

Ignore l’action humaine et ses motivations

Et malgré tout elle continue comme justification

Pour des sauvetages, des pots-de-vin et des machinations par des politiciens

Elle leur donne une couverture pour nous vendre des bobards

Et tout ce qui reste à la fin, c’est de la dette, et plein

Si vous vivez au-dessus de vos moyens grâce à ce crédit pas cher

Ne cherchez pas de remède en rajoutant des dépenses

L’épargne vient en premier si vous voulez investir

Le marché ajuste les intérêts selon la durée

Se concentrer sur la dépense est une erreur

Sur le long terme, mon ami, c’est ta théorie qui est morte

Alors pardon, mon pote, si ça ressemble à de l’invective

Mais prépare-toi à apprendre ma perspective autrichienne

Ca fait un siècle qu’on se dispute

[Keynes] Je veux diriger les marchés,

[Hayek] Je veux les libérer

Il y a un cycle d’expansions et de récessions et de bonnes raisons de le craindre

[Hayek] Ce sont les faibles taux d’intérêts qui sont coupables

[Keynes] Non… c’est la psychologie humaine qui domine

Ce que tu devrais étudier n’est pas la récession

C’est l’expansion qui devrait t’inquiéter, c’est ça l’idée

La structure du capital, c’est le point central de ma théorie

La mauvaise allocation des ressources détruit l’économie

L’expansion commence avec une expansion du crédit

La Fed impose de faibles taux d’intérêts, tu commences à comprendre?

Cet argent est confondu pour de l’argent réel à être prêté

Mais c’est seulement de l’inflation que l’on crée.

Qui investit dans de nouveaux projets comme de la construction

L’expansion plante les graines de sa future destruction

L’épargne n’est pas réelle, et la consommation monte trop

La course pour les ressources montre qu’il y en a trop peu

Alors l’expansion tourne en récession quand les taux montent

Avec les coûts de production, les signaux des prix étaient des mensonges

L’expansion était une illusion c’est un fait

Maintenant c’est la dévaluation du capital qui ramène l’équilibre

Que ce soit la fin des années 1920 ou 2005

L’expansion de mauvais investissements fait croire qu’ils prospèrent

Il faut épargner pour investir, n’utilise pas la planche à billets

Ou une dépression surviendra, et l’économie sera déprimée

Ton soi-disant “stimulus” empirera encore les choses

C’est juste encore la même chose, créer de mauvaises incitations

Et cet étranglement du crédit n’est pas une trappe de liquidité

Juste un système bancaire cassé, j’ai fini, c’est tout

Ca fait un siècle qu’on se dispute

[Keynes] Je veux diriger les marchés,

[Hayek] Je veux les libérer

Il y a un cycle d’expansions et de récessions et de bonnes raisons de le craindre

[Hayek] Ce sont les faibles taux d’intérêts qui sont coupables

[Keynes] Non… c’est la psychologie humaine qui domine

“Les idées des économistes et des philosophes politiques, à la fois quand ils ont raison et quand ils ont tort, sont plus puissantes que ce que l’on pense généralement. En réalité, le monde n’est pas dirigé par grand-chose d’autre. Les hommes d’action, qui pensent être dénués d’influence intellectuelle, sont en général les esclaves de quelque économiste décédé.”

John Maynard Keynes

Théorie générale de l’emploi, de l’intérêt et de la monnaie

“Le curieux objectif de la science économique est de démontrer aux hommes à quel point ils savent peu sur ce qu’ils s’imaginent qu’ils peuvent créer.”

F. A. Hayek

La Présomption Fatale

Post 9

Saturday, February 6, 2010 - 6:41pmSanction this postReply

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Post 10

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 10:41amSanction this postReply
So Ted, are you saying the rest of us are stupid for enjoying the video?

Post 11

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 11:06amSanction this postReply
No, John, just you.

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Post 12

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 12:41pmSanction this postReply
Ted I don't understand your problem. You seem to be really good at alienating people here. Even people you seem to share a lot of common views with. Are you just as much a douchebag in real life as you are on the internet? Is it the anonymity that you feel gives you a license to be an insulting asshole to everyone?

Post 13

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 2:14pmSanction this postReply
I thought the video was pointless. If anything it reinforces Keynes as a "cool guy" and Hayek as some sort of techno-nerd. Ted made a valid point: there is probably nothing positive, education wise, to be gotten from this video. Nothing artistic either in my opinion. Throw down some sort of bullying remark in response to Ted's POV: take what you get, deservedly. I thought Ted's response was rather mild.

Post 14

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 2:16pmSanction this postReply
I understand, John. My reasoned disagreement with the majority over the value of this video amounts to a personal attack so far as you are concerned. Why do you challenge me to deny my opinion's obvious effect on you? I admit I have hurt your feelings. You feel the pain almost as if it were a physical assault. Nothing could be worse, and I understand perfectly well why you have resorted to name calling.

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Post 15

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 5:24pmSanction this postReply
I just thought it was an entertaining video Mike. If Keynes was depicted as a cool guy, then they certainly made a point of depicting him as a loser 'the next day' being hung over in his hotel room and strung out. I suppose you can get whatever mileage you want to get out of it. But I think that's your subjective interpretation.

And Ted, my question was valid. You obviously think we are stupid for seeing any value in the video. If the intended audience for this was supposed to be for business majors, then I would agree that would be ridiculous since business majors should already be aware of these two economists. However if it's intended for a laymen audience, then it may at least spur some interest in reading up on these two men. And I think there's value in that. And I think there's value in that it was humorous. But fine, you don't think it was funny. I don't see why you have to piss in someone's elses cheerios to make you feel superior.

But go ahead Ted, continue with your insulting attitude. I'm not the only to recognize your anti-social behavior. You're obviously a very intelligent person, but your social skills suck. I'm sick of giving you a reason to be your punching bag. You've made this forum unpleasant enough for me to stop participating.

(Edited by John Armaos on 2/07, 5:30pm)

Post 16

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 6:00pmSanction this postReply
So, John, your comments to me because I dared say the video lacks merit are douchebag, asshole, shitcock, fuckwad, cheerio-pisser and that I suck? Did I miss anything?

The video is still a waste of grant money.

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Post 17

Sunday, February 7, 2010 - 6:12pmSanction this postReply
You didn't just say it lacked merit, your post was far more condescending and elitist than that. And you felt the need to call me stupid. So stop acting like the asshole comment wasn't coming to you.

Post 18

Monday, February 8, 2010 - 8:49amSanction this postReply
John: I'm unfamiliar with your interactions with Ted other than this thread. I have sanctioned you many times and mostly appreciate your pov.

The video: perhaps I'm jaded after about 40 years of trying to discuss economics with friends & co-workers, the vast majority of whom don't know or care who either Keynes or Hayek are but persist in echoing the New York Times version of current events. This video will make no difference to any of them. I can't imagine recommending it to anyone for edification. So, for me, as a tool for good, this video fails. Thus, my irritation with it and sympathy for Ted's pov.

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Post 19

Monday, February 8, 2010 - 9:25amSanction this postReply
Well if they don't care who Hayek or Keynes were then I doubt any video at all would persuade them to learn more about them. They probably wouldn't be persuaded by anything so there would be no point in trying. And if they are only willing to parrot a media source then I suppose they wouldn't be the intended audience for this. I think it is valuable in that it has the potential for people who may care enough to delve deeper into the issues to take further interest in these two schools of economic thought. Take the tea party movement, if someone in this movement sees this video perhaps it would motivate them to learn more about Hayek (and Keynes so that they can understand why they don't like his theories) and perhaps they would be in a better intellectual position to defend their beliefs in Capitalism. Even most objectivists could do better with defending their positions in Capitalism if they learned more about the 'Austrians'.

Considering we are in the worst recession since WW2, and also considering that most colleges and universities don't even mention Hayek in their economics departments, this could get some people to take some interest in him. Looking back on getting my B.A. in economics, I realized that most of my professors were Keynesians. There may have been a few sympathetic to him, but he was barely mentioned. This video at least gives a voice to Hayek that is barely heard these days.

Also economics can be a very dry subject matter. Sometimes grabbing someone's attention requires something humorous, if it is memorable enough it could make someone take further interest in it.

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