| | Steve,
It has become painfully clear to me from our past discussions that you don't understand some very fundamental aspects of economic theory. Yet you persist in criticizing the discipline from a position of relative ignorance. You need to learn more about the subject before speculating on its merits and demerits. Furthermore, in certain cases, your objections are so vague and seemingly misguided that I have no idea what your point is or what it is that you're criticizing. Nevertheless, I will try to respond to some of your remarks. You ask, What does "Economics" purport to measure? Where are its boundaries? What is its foundation? What are the components? What are the economic agents? Are these rhetorical questions, or are you being serious, because these can be answered in any beginning economics textbook? Take a course in the subject and learn something about it! There should be a political economics - a field that demonstrates why Capitalism produces wealth and other systems don't. There is! It's called "Comparative Economic Systems." And even contemporary neoclassical economics recognizes that capitalism is more productive that socialism. And there should be an applied economics that attempts to describe economic behaviors under specified conditions. There is! It's a principal part of standard micro- and macro-economics, e.g., how price controls create surpluses and shortages, how increasing the money supply causes price inflation, etc. But right now, the best we have is not adequate in many areas. That much is clear to a complete amateur like myself. Well, perhaps a complete amateur like yourself can enlighten the professionals. I'm sure they'd love to hear your admittedly amateurish explanation of what is wrong with their discipline. :-/ Ayn Rand has given us the clearest exposition of where wealth is created - in the human mind. But try to find any aspect of that simple truth in any of the economic theories. And what comes from the mind does so out of motivation, but that is a variable I don't see in any of the formulas. Oh, come on! Economics doesn't recognize the importance of motivation?!? Of course, it does. It specifically addresses incentives for finding employment, saving money and investing in new enterprises. How does that not acknowledge the importance of motivation? They don't talk about choosing or emotions or how we value things. Yes, they do! Ever heard of diminishing marginal utility? And, as previously stated, there is an extensive discussion of the various influences on demand and supply -- on the choices to buy and sell in the marketplace. Economic theory also specifies that demand depends on two conditions -- the willingness and ability to buy a product at a given price. If either of these conditions is absent, there will be no demand for the product. Professor Mises wrote in Human Action, page 63, "It will be shown at a later state of our investigation that the distinction between 'economic' and 'non-economic' motives of human action is untenable."
Then on page 231 he elaborates. Saying that economics will become "...fully developed, a system dealing with all human choices, a general theory of action."
He is claiming large areas he hasn't fleshed out, nor has he explained why he is tossing out epistemology, moral philosophy, and psychology. Well, you haven't "fleshed out" your objections either, so I wouldn't go pointing fingers at von Mises, even assuming that what you say is correct. :-) Jane Jacobs makes a convincing argument that cities (and their surrounding environs) are the most reasonable place to draw a boundary around an economic system - not nations. We have cities that are vibrant, alive, and growing, while others - in the same nation - even whole regions are dead - rust belts. Apparently, Jane Jacobs doesn't know economics any better than you do. Economic theory doesn't confine itself to geographical boundaries; It doesn't specify different economic systems for different societies. It addresses productive activity and economic exchange wherever it occurs, and does so in relation to man qua man, not simply in relation to man qua citizen of this society or that. But it appears that the development of economic theory is really about creating generalities that will so effectively average out any differences that it gives an appearance of accurately representing any abstraction with one hand, while ignoring the fact that the other hand is brushing away any outliers that would show the number to be meaningless. Yes, economics deals in generalities; so does any science. It is certainly true that mainstream macroeconomics lumps capital and labor together without distinguishing among different stages of production, but Austrian economics doesn't make that mistake. I don't understand the rest of your statement about brushing away outliers. Then there is the business of micro versus macro. Reisman (Capitalism, page 57) talks about the problems of dividing economics into micro versus macro and the theoretical errors (theory of "partial equilibrium") that occured when this was started by Marshall (and followed by Keynes). But I see the same kind of error commited in some applications of Austrian and Classical economics when they extrapolate from the individual to "the economy." Please explain this statement. How does Austrian or Classical economics err in extrapolating from the individual to the collective? Are you referring to methodological individualism -- to the explanation of collective action in terms of rational, utility maximizing individuals? If so, what's wrong with that? All of the economic systems seem to put the weight behind consumption, yet it is impossible to consume prior to producing. ALL of the economic systems do this?? No they don't. Austrian economics doesn't, for it recognizes the importance of saving and prior production for increasing people's ability to consume. And Classical economics doesn't as it recognizes Say's law, which states that in order to consume an economic product one must first produce something in exchange for it -- that one must bring one's production (or its equivalent) to market in order to purchase consumption. James Mill's essay "On the Overproduction and Underconsumption Fallacies" is another exposition of that law. James Mill (the father of John Stuart Mill) was arguably the better proponent of that law than Say was. So, both Austrian and Classical economics put the weight behind production not behind consumption. (Bolded portion added later.) On the methodology of economic modeling: They appear to be mostly, if not all equilibrium-based models, yet there is no equilibrium in real life. And these math models are terribly suspect since basic questions are still in dispute, yet there they sit, implying answers that you get to round to whatever decimal point suits your fancy. Austrian economics recognizes the difference between comparative statics and dynamic market processes, even if mainstream neoclassical analysis doesn't (or doesn't to a sufficient degree). But graphical presentations of equilibrium analysis do serve a useful purpose even in a study of dynamic market process a la the Austrian school, because it shows the equilibrium toward which the market is headed, even if that state is never fully realized in an ever-changing economy. This is not to deny that the static models, if taken literally, can be misleading and result in incorrect conclusions. Austrian economics also uses a model called "the evenly rotating economy," in which there is no actual increase in wealth, in order to explain an expanding economy. Reisman states, "...no such equation can possibly hold up in the face of changes in the fundamental economic data. New goods are introduced. People's ideas and valuations change. Their real incomes change. Population changes. The belief that an equation could be constructed that would take such changes into account is totally opposed to reality. It is tantamount to a belief in fatalistic determinism and implies, in effect, that a mathematical economist can gain access to a book in which all things past, present, and future are written and then derive from it the corresponding equation. Whatever it may be, such a view is definitely not within the scientific spirit." Capitalism, page 59. Sure, but even Reisman uses graphical equilibrium analysis to illustrate his ideas. He is right. Economists can not tell us if the interest rates will go up next month, or down. And they don't agree with one another on what makes the interest rates move. All you're saying here is that there is disagreement in economics. Is that news to anyone? What economists can say, however, is that ceteris paribus, if the supply of credit increases sufficiently relative to the demand for it, then interest rates will fall. To be sure, this is a conditional prediction, but it is a prediction nonetheless. Moreover, it has become standard practice for the central bank to buy T-bills during a recession in order to lower the federal funds rate, so economists can reasonably predict that this will occur in an economic downturn.
(Edited by William Dwyer on 7/07, 2:48pm)
(Edited by William Dwyer on 7/07, 4:59pm)