
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Bartlett, Fred

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At what point do folks start seeing the GOP as taking votes away from the libertarian solution???? Notice that both the Dems and GOP despise the libertarians for pretty much the same reason; they see libs as a threat to the tag team do-nothing gig they've got going for decades.
Fred Bartlett

Discuss this Politics Quote (8 messages)
(Added by Steve Wolfer on 11/06, 5:46pm)
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[The Ivy league schools] are America's stealth seminaries of Social Scientology, preaching and teaching that "S"ociety=God and the State is its proper church, and the annointed few are the chosen Acolytes on a mission to save Mankind from its crass, capitalistic self...'In the nation's service'.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 10/28, 11:24am)
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Inheritance tax? Why should my deferred spending accrue to your children? Make your case.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 2/20, 2:33pm)
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It is exactly the rush to turn every issue of public policy into a OneSizeFitsAll national solution that is dividing the nation against itself. Politics has become a steel cage death match struggle to national domination. It is neither necessary or desirable in a free nation. It is the very definition of Totalitarianism, that which this free nation used to unite itself against. It is what is driving the nation insane.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 1/23, 8:44am)
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We mutually benefit from specialization and value-proxies and shared experience and knowledge, but as soon as we start gaming risk and shedding it onto others, we are a social cancer, and healthy, ethical economies can only tolerate a fringe of that, not an institutionalization of that.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Ed Thompson on 6/09, 5:56pm)
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It's 1961. I'm 6 years old, and in the kitchen of my buddy, Howie. Howie has a brother, a stay at home mother who is active in the local PTA, and a father who graduated from HS and is a janitor at Beth Steel. Howie's father is standing in the kitchen with one arm around his wife, who is crying and laughing. They are staring at his first weekly take home check that cleared the miracle amount of $100. They live in a clean neighborhood on a tree lined street, they send their kids to a good local school. They think they have just won the lottery. The day this is happening, JFK's federal budget is $100B, over half of which is for defense at the peak of the cold war. JFK will soon give his speech at Rice, and America the nation, as well as American economies, are about to go on a tear. A nation of inspired youth is about to head off in a hundred million different quests to change the world. As well as the odd adventure in Vietnam. Flash ahead to 2012. The federal government spends over $3600B/yr of the nation's income, not $100B/yr. But where are the stories of joyous janitors and their happy wives crying with joy over bringing home a weekly check in which Dad the HS grad has cleared over $3600/wk?
Fred Bartlett

Discuss this Politics Quote (3 messages)
(Added by Ed Thompson on 1/29, 6:41pm)
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The individual politic tactic of hypothesizing an authority above all of us individually ... and then jarringly speaking for it as individuals and presenting our individual interpretations of what this remote supreme and yet curiously otherwise mute authority demands of us individually... is the oldest carny huckster political trick in the book.
Fred Bartlett
RoR's Morality Needs No God thread

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 10/01, 10:37am)
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Postmodern politics: the characterization of others refusal to agree with your desire to eat them as irrational intransigent dogmatism.
Fred Bartlett
from this ROR Thread

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 6/28, 9:44am)
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It is not the concept of government that is anathema to freedom; it is the concept of government unbound by any principle other than the brute force of numbers that is anathema to freedom. A government limited to defending the principle of free association and enforcing penalties for forced association is not anathema to freedom, it is a necessity for freedom.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Ed Thompson on 4/21, 5:58am)
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He [Obama] hasn't advocated the abolition of private property; only of individual control over it. A distinction in search of a difference.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 1/31, 12:07pm)
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Economic debate is simply a projection of political debate; it is not scientific debate. It is political debate between two irreconcilable points of view. That isn't demonstrable science, it is simply wrestling.
Fred Bartlett
The Third Depression thread

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 7/05/2010, 11:17am)
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Instead of throwing telethons for paternalistic megalomania, we throw elections.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 11/23/2009, 4:10pm)
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'Crime is easier than calculus.'
Fred Bartlett
(scare quotes in the original)

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(Added by Ted Keer on 10/26/2009, 1:07pm)
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One skin, one driver.
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Ted Keer on 1/31/2009, 11:10am)
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Not even Gandhi was against the concept of Superior Violence.
Fred Bartlett
Violence is the Last Resort of the Incompetent

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(Added by Ted Keer on 1/03/2009, 9:53pm)
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"Our life is our answer."
Fred Bartlett

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(Added by Ed Thompson on 4/10/2007, 12:55am)
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