
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 1:38amSanction this postReply

Are you promoting the "Free Rad" or the "Free Rap" magazine?

I must warn you that I have a strictly (c)rap-free mailvox :-)

(Edited by Marcus Bachler on 10/21, 3:37am)

Post 21

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 1:59amSanction this postReply
Chill out, Dude! :-)

Post 22

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:16pmSanction this postReply
 Msr. Perigo-
What would you say if I actually grew up in iron disdain of my generation's music; that I hummed to Beethoven and Wagner, a few musicals, some 60s and 70s rock and folk, but nothing past 1977 (and don't credit my f-ther, thank you), but since have *chosen* to explore the fascinating Erisian discordancies of headbanging caterwauling... right now I'm planning to blast some techno as training music for Tantric practice.
I know the policies of the other two Objectivist churches, but how does SOLO deal with aesthetic heretics, as opposed to infidels?  Do we get one chance at repentance, or is this relapsement and the stake?  (though may the witch politely ask for drowning?... burning is definitely not my style!)
curious woman,
Jeanine Ring
Oh, I quite agree with you on the IOS.  Both 'official' institutes of Objectivism are much like the Soviet staff bureaucracies of philosophy; well funded and with artificial prominence, but mere shells irrelevant to Marxists of any intellectual excitement.  It is the same within Objectivism.  The real sun of history and intellectual excitement has definitively passed over Poughkeepsie.  I very much hope you use the noonlight wisely, for the Earth will keep on turning.
It was once a common observation that the Catholic Church reveres Truth, Protestants practice Virtue, and Greek Christianity loves Beauty.  It seems a fitting analogy for the three houses of Objectivism.

(Edited by Jeanine Ring on 10/20, 12:18pm)

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Post 23

Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 3:06amSanction this postReply
Alas! It's now official. *All* TOC staff members have died. Their bodies have been recovered from TOC HQ in Poughkeepsie. All had copies of Navigator in their hands. Coroner's verdict: death by psychosomatic suffocation, sometimes known as terminal boredom. The coroner expressed his sympathies to family members, who were distraught to learn that their loved ones' last hours were so protractedly painful.

Post 24

Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 6:36amSanction this postReply
Some people are going to be mighty surprised when the "dead" TOC staffers appear in various places in the next week or so.  Perhaps we can claim death and resurrection.  That appears to be a great strategy for obtaining followers.

Last night Will Thomas conducted his "Objectivism from the Source" teleconference course.  It will continue for the next few weeks.

Jamie Dorrian and Erin Hill are visiting a potential site for next year's summer seminar today and tomorrow.

Ed Hudgins is giving a speech in Washington D.C., today about doing away with the postal service.

David Kelley and Ed Hudgins are speaking at joint Cato/TOC event in Washington tomorrow about the Iraq war. 

The TOC Fall Conference will be held in New York City a week from Saturday with speakers including Nathaniel Branden, Tibor Machan and three impressive Objectivist business people.  The theme is "Success--What it is and What it takes."

The September Navigator has been mailed. It has an excellent article by Stephen Hicks, "Why Art Became Ugly."  Apparently it hasn't yet reached chez Mouhibian.

Bill Perry

Post 25

Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 1:07pmSanction this postReply

Let me say here that I very much appreciate the summer conference put on by TOC, as well as my ability, as a student, to attend at a discounted rate. Those are fun and great experiences, and I hope to continue having them annually.

But...please. A few speeches here and there? For an entire institute? Hudgins is an exception: he is certainly constantly doing things. But other than that aspect, there is precious little output from the TOC since I've been paying attention. Just compare that output with the output of Solo/FR, which is essentially manned by one person, as a second job!


Post 26

Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 9:34pmSanction this postReply
Quite right, Alec. Though I wouldn't want to take away from what TOC *does* achieve, there's just so much more they could be doing. Navigator contains the odd interesting article, but is thin and too infrequent for an organisation that asks financial contributions from its members. I'm not saying don't contribute to TOC, but I do think what stuff of note comes out of it rarely includes Navigator. There's a much spunkier alternative - The Free Radical - based in the Antipodes of all places, but always containing contributions of style and substance from all over the world. Its content ranges from scholarly articles to polemics and humour. It's all there. It's the best there is.

I do think Kelley and Thomas have an enormous achievement in 'The Logical Structure of Objectivism' which is currently only available in draft form on the TOC site. I hope they get it published as soon as possible! The world (particularly the academic world) needs such a rigorous, thorough presentation of Objectivism that meets the standards Peikoff's OPAR fails to - and quickly!

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