Persons who find this post offensive to their sense of intellectual property rights and copyright laws may treat the entire entry as a work of creative fiction! (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/03, 7:14pm)Discuss this Blog entry (14 messages) Where are my old friends? I want them back! Stop it, you vicious aliens! (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Luke Setzer on 8/31, 6:20am)Discuss this Blog entry (5 messages) A cross posting from the Heroism in Horror Series from Superhero Babylon. Specifically the introduction. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Landon Erp on 11/07, 4:24am)Discuss this Blog entry (0 messages) Chinese factories churn out fakes of US currency and other collectibles. Even certifications and encapsulating holders are counterfeited. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 11/25, 6:42am)Discuss this Blog entry (5 messages) John|12.8.09 @ 9:50PM|# I don't know if he is malevolent or incompetant. But, honestly does it make any difference? reply to this juris imprudent|12.8.09 @ 10:04PM|# Yes, because malevolent means he will at some point achieve his ends and stop. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Jim Henshaw on 12/08, 10:47pm)Discuss this Blog entry (3 messages) There are people in this world (who ought to know better) who demand that I feel "species solidarity" with neighborly nutters like these. Worse, they feel that I ought to be made into a criminal if I choose not to call 911 at the whim of these entities. Pardon me while I refuse to share their enthusiasm for such legally sanctioned slavery. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Luke Setzer on 1/10, 4:57am)Discuss this Blog entry (16 messages) Listening to Obama's presidential address ...
Discuss this Blog entry (14 messages) Basics of Peikoffian theory of induction (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ed Thompson on 11/16, 6:52am)Discuss this Blog entry (7 messages) ATLOSCon 2011 planning has begun! This year, our Atlanta Objectivist Society’s summer conference will be held on Memorial Day weekend, May 26-30, 2011, and we are currently accepting proposals for talks. The talks should be an hour in length (we might make a few exceptions, if you can prove that you are super fascinati... (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Aaron on 1/17, 4:50am)Discuss this Blog entry (0 messages) Is it ethical for an employer to lease an employee to a risk agency without the employee's knowledge or consent? (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 1/17, 6:34pm)Discuss this Blog entry (16 messages) |