
Rebirth of Reason

Blogs: Tyson Russell

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A Witness to Healthcare in the Birth of My Son
A Witness to Healthcare in the Birth of My Son

Reflections on the public healthcare system of British Columbia as witnessed during the birth of my son and the hospitalization of him and my wife. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Tyson Russell on 11/19, 10:12am)

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A Polite Refusal of the Assistance of Governments
A Polite Refusal of the Assistance of Governments

One man's desire to plot his own course. Inspired by the events in Washington, DC on September 12, 2009. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Tyson Russell on 9/21, 10:56am)

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A Rational Egoist
A Rational Egoist's Odds & Ends

A powerful relay of thought and experience. (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Tyson Russell on 2/11, 1:05pm)

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