The article is written by David Potts. Ayn Rand gets quite a bit of attention. The link is to the entire article, which appears in parts on Irfan Khawaja's website Policy of Truth. Reader comments appear with the parts. Part #1, #2, #3.(Read more...)
Celebrate Human Achievement Hour By Edward Hudgins March 18, 2016 -- If you want to celebrate human progress, you can light up the world, symbolically and literally, at Human Achievement Hour. On Saturday, March 19 between 8:30 and 9:30pm, turn on all your lights and post photos of your enlightened act!
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Happy Pi Day Posted by Merlin Jetton on 3/14, 6:23pm
I almost forgot. Happy Pi Day to all. The date 3/14/16 is the value of pi to 5 significant digits. It won't happen again in your life.
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Time lists the women who appeared most on a survey of reading lists in college classes. Rand is #59. David Harsanyi among others reports that the list initially included Evelyn Waugh, but they've corrected it.(Read more...)