You say, "Come on, Williams, there will never be the kind of socialist oppression seen elsewhere here!" You might be right because Americans have become very compliant with unconstitutional and immoral congressional edicts. But what do you think would happen if some Americans began to rise up and heed Thomas Jefferson's admonition "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." and decided to disobey unconstitutional congressional edicts? Walter E. Williams

If the average American were asked his opinion of congressmen, among the more polite terms you'll hear are thieves and crooks, liars and manipulators, hustlers and quacks. But what do the same people say when our nation faces a major problem? "Government ought to do something!"  Walter E. Williams http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=5540

Most of our nation's great problems, including our economic problems, have as their root decaying moral values. Walter E. Williams http://townhall.com/Columnists/WalterEWilliams/2009/04/01/our_problem_is_immorality

...prosperity foregone is invisible. In other words, we can never tell how much richer we would have been without today's level of congressional interference in our lives... Walter E. Williams http://townhall.com/columnists/WalterEWilliams/2009/03/18/prosperity_lost

Imagine you see a person at work taking buckets of water from the deep end of a swimming pool and dumping them into the shallow end in an attempt to make it deeper....That scenario is equivalent to what Congress and the new president proposes for the economy. Walter E. Williams The Spendulus