This article contrasts the "Occupy Wall Street" group with the Tea Party movement. It has a quick, friendly reference to Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged halfway through.(Read more...)
An Objectivist organization tried to join a Tea Party coalition, but it seems that the atheism was too much for them to handle. This article discusses the situation and comments on the questions left unanswered.(Read more...)
Today is Randsday, for those who wish a real holiday to celebrate instead of a groveling rodent... so, go out and celebrate in your most selfish style...(Read more...)
"When I was seventeen and spending the summer working and touring in Israel, I bought a copy of Atlas Shrugged and hid it in my luggage on my return, successfully slipping it through Customs like a copy of Playboy or Tropic of Cancer. The South African prism had shifted the political spectrum so far to the dictatorial ...(Read more...)
Mental Floss is a site I frequent when I'm recovering from an exceptionally long and/or boring meeting. It's a bit of fluff for when I need a mental break. The article linked quotes Ayn Rand briefly towards the beginning. The commentors have more to say. (Read more...)