This hyper-links to the "socialism" entry of the on-line Ayn Rand Lexicon. It appears that Mark Levin was reading right off of this page, with a slightly re-arranged order of quotations. Levin praised Rand as an extraordinary intellect, or something very similarly worded. He said she was an excellent "libertaria...(Read more...)
I subscribe to "Dumb Little Man" on my iGoogle homepage. It's a blog that shares sundry tips here and there. Anyway, tonight there was the blog entry titled "So What Really Is the Meaning of Life?" Being the Philosophically-minded person I am, I couldn't resist clicking it. more...)
In Newsweek: "As Washington's economic dictator says in Ayn Rand's far-sighted novel Atlas Shrugged, 'We've got to stand still. We've got to make those bastards stand still!'" (Read more...)
I'm not sure if this guy is for real or not. If he is trying to play satire he's terrible at it. If his conviction is honest, he's merely a dope. This certainly does not fit as a news item, but Rand is mentioned so I thought best to place it here.(Read more...)