
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Setzer, Luke

January 4, 2006
War for Men's Minds
Objectivist Clubs and Holidays
by Luke Setzer
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A global Objectivist club network must take full advantage of the holiday phenomenon to serve the four basic human needs effectively. (Read more...)
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December 23, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Learning Lessons from BB&T
by Luke Setzer
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Just as a rational individual needs the ruling Objectivist values to survive alone on an island to accomplish his life-affirming goals, so he needs them in a free society to achieve such goals.  Furthermore, organizations of free people in a free society also need to arrange themselves in accordance with these three supreme structural values to accomplish their common life-affirming goals.  One organizational role model stands as an exemplary embodiment of these values: the Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T). (Read more...)
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December 20, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Learning Lessons from Meetup
by Luke Setzer
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The challenging undertaking of creating, sustaining and growing a global Objectivist club network demands the use of best practices gleaned from a wide range of sources.  Meetup® has risen as the most outstanding recent upstart in the discipline of rapid growth of live, networked clubs.  Only when it sprang sudden, unexpected, unaffordable monthly costs onto its members did it experience an overnight loss of support.  While it remains in business, its popularity as a widespread tool for organizations has largely evaporated.  A careful study of its merits and drawbacks offers valuable lessons for the Webmaster who wants to build a dedicated Internet site for a global Objectivist club network. (Read more...)
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December 17, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Objectivist Clubs and the Four Basic Human Needs
by Luke Setzer
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As the designated Club Coordinator for the Rebirth of Reason™, I find myself tasked with the monumental charge of creating a global network of Objectivist clubs.  Such a monumental charge demands a monumental article.  Although I am not religious, I certainly accept as a timeless truth the verse from the Book of Proverbs that informs us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."  This article explores the core working premises one should use from which to arrive at a vision for a global Objectivist club network, an organization "as it might be and ought to be." (Read more...)
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November 7, 2005
Questions and Motives
by Luke Setzer
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The vice of snooping has its roots in human tribalism. Such unbridled and uncivilized curiosity manifests itself in the form of questions that invade privacy. The best defense against such intrusiveness comes from the unyielding application of the virtue of self-assertiveness and the contextual application of the virtue of honesty. (Read more...)
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October 29, 2005
Inside the Mind of a Megalomaniac
by Luke Setzer
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If you still cling to the evil notion that you have the "natural right" to make your own choices about anything, rest assured that when we elect me as World Chancellor, we will adjust your attitude—permanently. (Read more...)
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October 9, 2005
Charles Givens
by Luke Setzer
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The complex world of personal finance can often overwhelm the average person. Mortgages, insurance, taxes, investments, real estate, employment, and business carry with them a host of rules, regulations, and pitfalls that seem designed to transfer wealth from the ignorant to the informed. A variety of magazines and books has offered instructions on how to control expenditures and build personal wealth. Some of the all-time best-selling books on personal finance have come from one man: Charles J. Givens. The story of his rise to fame, fall from grace, and final demise provide lessons for all of us. (Read more...)
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September 9, 2005
Sense of Life
Hazards of Benevolence
by Luke Setzer
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It was through the role as a mentor that I learned some of the hazards of benevolently giving a protégé the benefit of the doubt. While I still consider benevolence a major virtue, I have shrunk what I consider "the bounds of reason" for generosity substantially. Anyone who consults my advice had better prepare for a kick in the seat of the pants from a very unapologetic mentor. (Read more...)
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June 22, 2005
Benefactors versus Malefactors
by Luke Setzer
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Assessing the character trait of benevolence in others provides the fastest way to size up those others as worthy of your time and effort in building productive relationships.  This holds true regardless of how they may identify themselves.  Other qualities, such as their capacity to reason effectively, certainly deserve attention.  However, developing a large pool of benevolent network contacts with whom to form more concrete and productive relationships will best serve your life.  Relationships with malefactors deserve swift terminations regardless of their sophisticated objections. (Read more...)
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June 12, 2005
Limits to the Effectiveness of Moral Judgment
by Luke Setzer
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Much consternation in the Objectivist movement has arisen over exactly the best way to practice the virtue of justice -- to pronounce moral judgment and to give that pronouncement the teeth needed to make it effective.  Various schisms, excommunications and ostracisms have taken place at one end of the spectrum of practice, while excessively tolerant "somnambulist ecumenism" has marked the other end.  This wide difference of applications of justice demands a re-examination of its function in order to discover how optimally to practice this challenging virtue. (Read more...)
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May 22, 2005
Houseguests from Hell
by Luke Setzer
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This Toastmasters speech from the Entertaining Speaker manual seeks to develop an entertaining dramatic talk about an experience or incident using vivid imagery, characters and dialogue.  This rendition recounts an incident in my early days of Objectivism when I found my self-esteem could no longer tolerate an unhealthy, mooching, "platonic" relationship. (Read more...)
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May 8, 2005
A Proto-Objectivist Defense of Teetotaling?
by Luke Setzer
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During my transition from Christianity to Objectivism in late 1988, I found myself repeatedly engaged in rationalistic justifications of common Christian dogmas.  This one examines alcohol consumption.  As Joseph Rowlands explained at SOLOC 4, the "all or nothing" fallacy demonstrates itself here.  I published this column in October 1988 in the North Carolina State University newspaper, the Technician.  It only received two responses, one supporting my critiques and the other challenging my "all or nothing" approach.  I confess now that some studies support positive health effects of moderate red wine consumption, but remain skeptical of the idea that drinking to the point of reducing inhibitions offers egoistic benefits. (Read more...)
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May 5, 2005
War for Men's Minds
National Day of Reason 2005 Speech
by Luke Setzer
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The American secular community commenced National Day of Reason in recent years to offer a rational response to the federally recognized National Day of Prayer.  Both holidays take place concurrently each year on the first Thursday of May.  As SOLO Florida Coordinator, I arranged a local dinner event open to all freethinkers to celebrate National Day of Reason on May 5, 2005 with the floor open to anyone who wants a few minutes to make remarks about this contrast.  This speech of mine will likely raise the hackles of some dinner guests who remain devoted parishioners of the faith of statism. (Read more...)
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April 16, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Fun and Games on Earth Day 2002
by Luke Setzer
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With Earth Day 2005 coming soon, I wanted to share some past experiences regarding what to expect should you decide to host an "Earth Day versus Man" booth at your local campus. (Read more...)
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April 9, 2005
Rules for Women and Rules for Men
by Luke Setzer
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All the ramblings in SOLO lately about rules for communicating with women and men offered a perfect opportunity for me to share this little gem.  The authors of these two jokes remain unknown but they have floated about the Internet for years. (Read more...)
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March 5, 2005
A Proto-Objectivist Argument for Lifelong Monogamy?
by Luke Setzer
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In August 1988, while still involved with the Baptists and the Lutherans and before my exposure to Ayn Rand the following month, I found myself groping for -- gasp! -- objective evidence to corroborate the Judeo-Christian ethics hammered at me.  This article resulted from my research into that subject.  In retrospect, I can see that I already had an intuitive grasp of the concept of individual human life as the root of value.  However, this argument amounts to a consequentialist viewpoint rather than a genuinely rational egoist viewpoint.  I post the article here for discussion. (Read more...)
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February 15, 2005
Sense of Life
Poor Don't Deserve My Paycheck
by Luke Setzer
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I published this editorial on October 3, 1988, in the campus newspaper, The Technicianat North Carolina State University shortly after reading The Virtue of Selfishnessthe first time.  I share it here for your entertainment.  As you might imagine, a storm of protests filled the "Letters to the Editor" section the following week. (Read more...)
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January 23, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Calling All Objectivists To Ogle Moogul!
by Luke Setzer
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Moogul allows anyone to post anything to their site to lend to anyone according to mutually agreeable terms and conditions.  Although few Objectivist items currently populate the site, the service could supply a boon to SOLO members who want a reliable way to lend and to borrow Objectivist materials. (Read more...)
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January 12, 2005
Sense of Life
JOE versus SAM
by Luke Setzer
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This Toastmasters speech from the Entertaining Speaker manual includes competency in drawing humorous and dramatic material from sources other than the speaker's own personal experience, adapting it to suit the speaker and his audience, and using the entertaining material to convey a serious message about how men can and ought to handle their romantic relationships. (Read more...)
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December 17, 2004
Sense of Life
Saving for Greatness
by Luke Setzer
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A fellow freethinker who works for World Financial Group shared this document with me.  Their sales representatives regularly give this flyer to prospects.  The flyer names no original author of this fine dissertation, but it certainly resonates with the Objectivist ethics of financial management. (Read more...)
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December 13, 2004
War for Men's Minds
Synergizing Meetup With SOLO
by Luke Setzer
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I intend to send this letter to all organizers of Ayn Rand Meetup across the globe.  I request suggestions from SOLO readers for style and content.  Eventually, I will also approach other existing Objectivist Clubs using a similar letter. (Read more...)
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December 4, 2004
Sense of Life
A Christmas Concerto of Deliverance
by Luke Setzer
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This article turns the Charles Dickens "classic" A Christmas Carol on its ear and reveals Scrooge as the hero and Cratchit as the oaf who needs a few lessons from visiting "spirits". (Read more...)
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November 20, 2004
Thunderous Replies to Thoughtless Remarks
by Luke Setzer
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This Toastmasters speech from the Entertaining Speaker manual employs humor to convey a message about how to deal with the inane bromides of modern life. (Read more...)
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November 6, 2004
Sense of Life
The Dogbert Dismissal
by Luke Setzer
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This Toastmasters speech from the Basic manual seeks to cultivate the skill of speaking about one's own convictions. (Read more...)
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October 24, 2004
War for Men's Minds
A Is A
by Luke Setzer
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This Toastmasters speech served as a test speech for two different Evaluation Contests in 2003.  The resulting evaluations proved insightful.  Even the ones who disagreed with the precept that miracles cannot happen appreciated the demonstration of the prop. (Read more...)
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