
Rebirth of Reason

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June 27, 2003
Basic Concepts in Painting and Sculpture Part 1
by Brett Holverstott
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Composition – Spatial Depth – Sweeping Forms (Read more...)
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June 30, 2003
The War on Words (Big Brother 2003)
by Marcus Bachler
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George Orwell was born exactly 100 years ago today and his masterpiece novel "1984" continues to be an influential best-seller. The nightmare vision of the novel is a description of the ultimate in repressive state control. This story is as relevant to the state politics of today as it has ever been. (Read more...)
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July 1, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Socialism in Santa Fe
by Tibor R. Machan
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Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a very well known and fashionable desert town and, like its equivalent in California, Santa Barbara, largely in the hands of a bunch of meddlesome lefties. (Read more...)
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July 2, 2003
The Good Life
The Way to First Base
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Imagine the following baseball game. The players in the field are lined up and ready as the first batter comes up to the plate. As the pitcher pitches the ball, the player takes a swing, misses, and runs to the first base not understanding why the others aren't continuing the play. He gets upset and refuses to return to bat. (Read more...)
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July 3, 2003
Gun Control in America East
by Russell Madden
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If the most recent incarnation of the war in Iraq has accomplished nothing else, the aftermath of that conflict has revealed fascinating insights into the mindset that dominates the agents of the American State. When I read articles and quotes and comments regarding what the United States is doing in Iraq in its role as that country's latest caretakers, I sometimes have to check to be certain that the stories are not detailing events in the Homeland. (Read more...)
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July 4, 2003
Why I Plan to Homeschool
by Betty Kayton
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When I tell people that I intend home-schooling my children, should I have any one day, I am met with shock and horror. Even the most open-minded of my friends and colleagues are stunned that I could even consider such an option. (Read more...)
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July 7, 2003
Why the Fuss about Gay Marriages?
by Tibor R. Machan
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Canada is now recognizing gay marriages and many in America think it is scandalous that this country is lagging behind. What, Canada more free and tolerant than the USA? Surely that's shameful. (Read more...)
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July 8, 2003
Rational Individualism
by Joseph Rowlands
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In Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, Howard Roark was a man who didn't care what other people thought. Well, actually he did in some ways. He cared about his friends, and he was concerned about why some people were secondhanders. But the fact that people thought things didn't matter to him in the sense that it wasn't a reason to believe or disbelieve that thing. An idea was either true or false, and he used his own mind to determine that. (Read more...)
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July 9, 2003
A Campaign for Liberty: The Liberian Occupation
by G. Stolyarov II
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With the situation in Iraq rapidly stabilizing as vestiges of the tyrannical Hussein regime are being efficiently eliminated, the United States has obtained the opportunity to consider another foreign involvement and a commitment of troops, a relatively minor one in comparison to the Iraq War. (Read more...)
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July 10, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Extinguishing the Flame
by Russell Madden
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Amazing what a difference two-and-a-quarter centuries makes. Amazing . . .
. . . and sad. (Read more...)

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July 11, 2003
Bully Pulpit: Don't Ignore Me
by Kristin Currier
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The new girl in town was out discovering the neighborhood beach. Tomorrow she was looking forward to the first day of grade 1. Learning was an exciting thing. There was nothing she liked better than drawing and reading. (Read more...)
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July 14, 2003
Film as Hazardous Propaganda
by Tibor R. Machan
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As a regular viewer of Sundance films, mostly to satisfy my need for cultural anthropology lessons and because I do like some aspects of what they offer, I caught, just the other day, Jonathan Nossiter's "Signs & Wonders." The movie is about an American adulterer in Athens whose wife hooks up with a really angry, anti-American zealot. The zealot is, of course, depicted as a hero since he hates globalization, was a part of the Leftist resistance to the Greek dictatorship that the U.S. Government supported, and knows in his heart that he is absolutely right and expresses this in every move of his body. (Read more...)
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July 15, 2003
Death by Religion
by Joseph Rowlands
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Recently I had a conversation with a Christian. She tried to make the claim that Christianity is more peaceful than Islam, based on what current affairs. In the Middle East, there's terrorism, dictatorships, suicide bombers, and holy wars. In the West, you have a bunch of people who go to church, sing songs, and have picnics. Who could argue with that? (Read more...)
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July 16, 2003
A Critique of Murray Rothbard's "Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult" (Part 1 of 3)
by G. Stolyarov II
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Introduction and "The Reason-Passion Dichotomy" (Read more...)
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July 17, 2003
A Critique of Murray Rothbard's "Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult" (Part 2 of 3)
by G. Stolyarov II
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"What is Humor and What is Sacrilage" and "Revisionism and the Hatred of the Good". (Read more...)
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July 18, 2003
A Critique of Murray Rothbard's "Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult" (Part 3 of 3)
by G. Stolyarov II
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"The 'Gold' of Rothbard's Analysis", "Randian Authoritarianism?", and "In Summation". (Read more...)
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July 21, 2003
Nelson Mandela: The world celebrates an African Hero
by Betty Kayton
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As Nelson Mandela celebrates his 85th birthday, I am struck by the many faces of this political icon and champion of the African people. Elizabeth Kanabe (Read more...)
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July 22, 2003
Martha Stewart
by Ashley Frazier
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Martha Stewart is one of the great American success stories. (Read more...)
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July 23, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Wealth and Responsibility
by Russell Madden
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Guilt Trips and Tax-Collectors' Wet Dreams (Read more...)
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July 24, 2003
"Under God": Why is TOC Pandering to Bigots?
by Adam Reed
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For readers from countries other than United States of America, I shall start with a bit of our local anthropology. When an American child reaches the age of 4 or 5 or 6 - depending on where that child lives - his parents are compelled to send him to school. If the parents fail to do so, an armed officer of the law will show up at their doorstep and take their child, at gunpoint, to his assigned government school. (Read more...)
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July 25, 2003
Right to Privacy - is it in the Constitution?
by Tibor R. Machan
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One old criticism of a more libertarian interpretation of the US Constitution, one leveled at the court when it overturned a Connecticut law banning contraception and when it spoke of the right to privacy in Roe v. Wade, is that no right to privacy is mentioned in that famous legal document. And there certainly is none listed explicitly, not at least in the original version. (Read more...)
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July 28, 2003
SOLOC 3 : Frequently Asked Questions
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Information on the conference. Everything you need to know to have a fantastic October. (Read more...)
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July 29, 2003
The Magnate and the Moon
by G. Stolyarov II
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A poem. (Read more...)
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July 30, 2003
The Good Life
I Know What I Need
by Matthew Graybosch
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People lie to me all the time. Advertisers tell me that all I have to do to be sexually attractive is to drink the right brand of beer or wear the right brand of clothes. Religious people tell me that I have to accept their brand of mysticism in order to be happy. Politicians tell me that if I hand over just a little more of my freedom then they will make all the world's problems just disappear. (Read more...)
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July 31, 2003
Values and Virtues: Von Mises and Rand
by Russell Madden
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While subjective wishes may be important in understanding human motivation, any such desires that undermine life should be understood and labeled for what they are: destruction. (Read more...)
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