| | I don't have the courage?
I don't have the desire to tear down other people for their musical tastes. I am not concerned with what is not music. I am concerned with music. I won't play you're little mindgames.
So let's have this out right now.
I respect the wishes of Lindsay Perigo, who doesn't want certain forms of music promoted on his forum, so I keep my ideas on a broader level and let the reader apply them to whatever forms of music they listen to. And I am presenting ideas, not the whole of my being. I don't have the answers to all music questions, I am looking to spark debate and discussion on the nature of music. I WANT people to respond with arguments of a musical nature. I DON'T want to attack people for liking rock or rap or Lanza, but I'd like look closer at their musical choices and see how they work.
If you're trying to get me to say that rock and rap aren't music, it's not happening. I don't like rap per se, but I consider it music. I don't like Slayer, but I consider it music. I define music rather broadly, and not by my preferences. Intentional arrangements of sound and time used to arouse the listener.
Robert, you've had a stick up your ass ever since day one. I tried to engage you, but you persist in being snarky. For some reason the existence of this forum annoys you, which is why I suggested that it may not be for you:
"As to the definition of music, I assume anyone on this forum has a working definition. But to be fair, I've started a separate thread on the definition. As for whether or not rock is music, you're jumping ahead of the game, and I will state this again: This forum is aiming at a larger understanding of music, so if you're trying to prove something with your comments on rock, or trying to provoke angry discussions like the ones in the past, this may not be the forum for you."
So don't go telling me I don't have the courage. I HAVE my definition, if I was being truly pedantic, I'd be hammering others with it, instead of inviting people to attempt to define it themselves. I WANT people to say, "Hey, Joe...that's not quite right...what about this? What about that?" Then we have discussion.
You've exhausted my good will, Robert, you are a troll. Plain and simple. I don't have the courage? I had the fucking courage to even ATTEMPT this forum. What have you contributed? You think you can do better? DO IT. (Edited by Joe Maurone on 11/29, 8:18am)