| | Mike,
Let me answer your question first. You asked, "Do you think we'd be worse off now if McCain had been elected?"
It is hard to imagine that we would be worse off. But, there is something very wrong and very damaging about Republicans being the ones to cause the destruction of our freedoms. They are the supposed protectors of economic liberty. So when they are the ones to destroy liberty, all the consequences unfairly get blamed on capitalism (Look at Bush and his contribution to national debt, and his initiation of bail-outs. Look at Nixon who took us off the last vestige of a gold standard and gave us the inflation we've suffered since 1971).
McCain was the key sponsor to the worst single legislative act we've ever seen. The amendments to the appropriations bill that recently passed and destroyed posse comitatus, habeous corpus, probable cause, and due process - all in two simple amendments. Under that bill, now passed into law, our military can be used to enforce law on American street corners at the order of the administrative branch, anyone can be snatched out of his living room with no warrant - by military or police, held incommunicado, no lawyer allowed, no right to appear in front of a judge, no jury trial, and the imprisonment can be forever.
McCain is second only to Senator Linday Graham as a crusading militarist who wants to attack all Muslim countries. He was the lead cheerleader of the Republican support for our involvement in Libya. He might well have taken us a long ways towards a military dictatorship as president.
McCain broke off his campaign for President and flew back to Washington for the financial crisis - and what he did there was to come out in favor of the bail-outs. He is big government, he advocates for more world wide military interventions, he has no understanding of individual rights or the constitutional protections against government abuses.
What Obama has done is to help stimulate the anti-big-government forces and the anti-progressive forces. He has been the fuel and the catnip for the TeaParty movement. Those are good things and they would not have happened (except among libertarians) under a McCain presidency. Because of Obama and the progressives the conservatives have vastly increased in number while at the same time a large portion of them have moved towards Libertarianism - at least towards small government conservatism. Obama may have been the needed catalyst in finally framing the debate in the country between big government and a constitutionally limited small government. And the debate about eliminating the current income tax and replacing it with some simpler, fairer tax and that would revitalize the economy.
So, would be worse off? I don't know. --------------------------------------------
I agree with you on Obama's naked grab for power using executive directives. He is a constitutional scholar, but one whose studies have always been towards learning how to eliminate constitutional restrictions on government's power. --------------------------------------------- If Obama gets a big win on Obamacare (it doesn't get overturned) I expect Obama to serve a second term. There will be voter fraud, all in favor of Obama. There will be a lot of noise & rabble rousing increasing up to the election mostly as mis-direction covering up the fraud. Romney appears to be the probable Republican candidate. Romney desperately wants to be President. At his core I don't think he believes in any limits to government. His attempts to appease voters as someone who will not "takeaway" any benefits will make him appear like no alternative at all to Obama. Only the establishment Republicans will end up voting for him. If Obama serves a second term the changes in our system of government will be so deep as to never be reversed. The system of government we thought could be preserved is over. Obama might get a second term - lots of things could lead to that (voter fraud, improved jobs numbers, massive negative campaigning, having the press in his pocket, Romney not making a strong case for liberty and failing to paint Obama for the socialist and liar he is, big screw-ups in the Romney campaign, etc.) But Obama isn't the key to turning the political tide - it is the senate (while retaining the majority in the House and even moving it more towards small government people). Obama can have his feet nailed to the ground and rendered impotent by a majority in the Senate and the House. With major reforms, like repealing ObamaCare (if it isn't overturned by the Court) can be pushed through. They can just keep sending it to him for his veto, again and again, while they whip up popular support till he has to cave in or risk a popular wave of anger so great that the usually cowardly legislators would bring up impeachment. Without the Senate, even a win in the Presidency will not be as effective as people think.
There are big unknowns... how much resolution do the Tea Party folks still have. As a movement, it isn't in a visible phase, so we need to ask, has it faded away some, with lost hopes and diminished enthusiasm, or has it grown stronger and more resolute? And, how much will these middle-America voters work to increase Tea Party type of candidates that are elected, or will Obama and the Democrats succeed in their blame game and cause a reduction in the Tea Party type candidates elected. Some Democrats are predicting a loss of 20 to 40 percent of those seats to moderates of one sort or another. I think it is more likely to go the other way with an increase in the small government people elected. But it is very much an unknown... as is the outcome of the Senate elections.
The biggest problem is that without a real power house of a president who is willing to be bold in his reforms, and the senate majority,and the House... events will overtake intentions. They always do. There will be various crisis unfold and take over the center stage. And without solid economic and moral principles in both houses, they will react in the wrong ways to any major crisis.
I'm very pessimistic, but in a different way. I think our economic chickens will come home to roost in the next four to five years (or sooner) and that will be the cause of our political downfall - from a constitutional republic to something else.