| | Nice post, Tress! Thanks. Your original blog post is careful, concise, and complete. Thanks.
The discussions that followed revealed some problems. Oddly enough, for a user of at least three different languages, Ayn Rand seemed to generally accept words at the dictionary level, at the "street" level. Now, yes, some words, such as selfishness, capitalism. etc., she really dug into and reconstructed. But "irrational" was not one of those. Contrary to Ed's statement, a stone cannot be "irrational." As he said, it is incapable of rationality; it is non-rational. US Foreign Policy is irrational.
The ir-prefix generally shows a veering off course. English has complex origins, absorbing many influences, so this is generally, but not always true. The ir-prefix has come to mean "not" as in irrevocable. The word "irrigate" was "inrigate" but we glided that into something easier to say. Those examples of ir- do not follow the rule: they are irregular. But if you look at all of the ir-words in the dictionary, you will see that generally, they refer to some kind of wrong path.
A weak verb makes its past tenses with -ed: stop, stopped, have stopped. A strong verb shifts its vowel: ring, rang, have rung. An irregular verb has a different rule entirely: go, went, have gone; am, was, have been. But an irregular verb cannot take just any forms. They have rules, just widely different -- and they must be followed, though they veer from the norms.
Now to irrational. Someone who is irrational thinks that they are perfectly rational. They can apply logic, and point to facts. Think of a wild conspiracy theory, or a paranoid delusion, or the platform of the Democratic Party... creationism... existentialism.... take your pick. These are not non-rational, or you would not be able to understand them at all. They are irrational.
I think that the Superbowl is an example of cultural irrationality. Is it evil? Yes, in that the mania for spectator sports reflects a fundamental lack of objective values in millions of people, the Superbowl is an example of rampant evil in our society. But evil comes in degrees and the Superbowl can be tolerated as an annoyance compared to fallacies much worse.
Irrationality cannot exist independent of an irrational mind. Irrationality is not a metaphysical given. Ignorance is a metaphysical given: to learn, we discover. We know less yesterday than we do today (hopefully) but our earlier state of ignorance was not irrationality.
(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 12/24, 5:46pm)