| | Jordan wrote:
Since neither can show how they get to knowledge from cosmological naturalism, they both have the same problem. I just don't see where you get this from. I think you're simply saying that one can't acquire knowledge without having free will. Is that what you're saying?
I think you will feel the weight of the argument once you actually attempt to answer the problem: How do you get from the elements of any atheistic cosmology to knowledge? I hope you realize that although there may be some connection between knowledge to free will, they are not the same thing. The point is you really can't talk about free will until you show how you can have knowledge.
This is atheism's blatant contradiction: atheists claim to have knowledge, yet the elements of atheism deny the existence of knowledge. This is what I asked you in my last post: Given the propositions of cosmological naturalism (i.e. all that exists is matter in motion), how do you get to a definition of knowledge that is anything other than, "all knowledge is nothing more than the necessarily determined effects of matter in motion?"
I am still waiting for an answer.
Also, I don't know why you keep throwing in cosmological naturalism, but as I recall, Rand explains that Objectvism doesn't engage in cosmology, as cosmology is science and not philosophy. So to that, your argument fails as it is non-responsive to Objectivism.
Cosmology is both part of science and also philosophy. Cosmology is one of the two branches of metaphysics.
Jordan wrote:
Finally, the more important point of my last post was the last paragraph before the signature. Here it is again:
See, what you goofed up on was making all these assumptions about what a natural world would be. You've assumed it to be accidental, determined, without meaningful freedom-oriented terms (e.g., opinion, assent, etc.). Not only have you assumed all this of a natural world; you've assumed that Objectivism accepts this version of the natural world. So let me rephrase and reiterate what I hinted at earlier in this post. You should probably read up on Objectivism before you think you've refuted it.
Regarding accidentalism, all cosmologies either asserts intentionalism or unintentionalism (i.e. accidentalism). Intentionalism says that there is intent in all of nature, and thus an intender. Accidentalism says there is no intender and therefore no intent. Which do you want to go with? It seems that if any form of atheism is true, there is no intender and therefore no intent. The implications of this one point alone is devastating to your position.
Next, it's not up to me to define "free will." It's up to you to define your own terms, then it's up to us critiquers to figure out if you've got it right. I suggest you pick Objectivism's definition of free will, as Objectivism is what you're trying to defeat here. I don't have my Objectivist literature in front of me, so I'm afraid I can't help you with the definition. Nevertheless, you should probably know it before you claim it fails.
Well if you don't know how objectivists or compatibilists define "free will," why are you presenting it as a solution? Just another red herring, huh? I actually do know the different ways that determinists, indeterminists and compatibilists define "free will." that is why I gave you the opportunity to provide the definition you wanted to use. It doesn't matter to me which compatabilist or objectivist definition you use. In case you didn't get it, I gave you a couple of hints to the problems with all their definitions:
1) They all claim to be knowledge and thus conclusions that are independent of deterministic necessity.
2) They all deny independence from deterministic necessity. (Notice the blatant contradiction between 1 and 2)
3) They all have problems with ambiguity because of the blatant contradiction.
4) They all just assume things like free thought and choice. NONE OF THEM explain how you get from the basic propositions of atheism to those attributes. Convenient, don't you think?
As I asked above, why don't you help them out and give the explanation they have so stupidly missed?
G. Brady Lenardos