| | "Don't you call me a mindless philosopher!" -- C3PO
This standard information from the University of Alabama website http://www.as.ua.edu/philos/why.php(among many other places) also appears as a bulletin board for the philosophy department of Eastern Michigan University with 8x10s of the most famous faces:
Prominent Philosopher Majors: The broad value of philosophy is illustrated by those who have philosophy degrees: John Elway, Phil Jackson, Vaclav Havel, Justice David Souter, Philip Glass, Joel Coen, Bruce Lee, Susan Sarandon, Harrison Ford, Jay Leno, Steve Allen, William Bennett, William Jefferson Clinton, Woody Allen, Philip K. Dick, David Duchovny, Iris Murchod, Pope John Paul II, Mike Schmidt, Stone Phillips, Steve Martin, Gene Siskel, Elie Wiesel, James Michener and Alex Trebek. I add also, the late R. William Bradford who turned gold into ideas and then turned ideas into gold. You cannot "change the world" by preaching philosophy to masses of people. People only hear the message they already believe. People do what they do, what they always did. The people who change the world are those who do something new and different. What counted most: Aristotle's years of lecturing to the masses at the Lyceum or his years of tutoring one boy at Pella?
Many Objectivists are true believers of low self-esteem who come to a prebuilt worldview that makes them important in the face of overwhelming odds and delivers an eschatology of salvation for the future. Marxism is a lot like that, too.
What counts is not whether other people agree with you, but whether you believe in yourself. People who argue with others are uncertain inside. People detect that and they do not respect it. If you are who you are inside regardless, well, people can tell that, too. That's when they say that they do not agree with you, but they respect you.