| | "To create implies intelligence - it is something humans, for instance, do... but we are not created, any more than planets - to come into being by a natural process is not to be created... to say otherwise falls into the mystic mentality, however much might be denied..."
i.e., "Rules for our Creation, offered by the merely created".
You apparently have a rule for creation that requires willful creation. So be it, start your own religion, then pretend it is not a religion.
For all I know, we were created by the universe, as it is, cold process. That is still creation. We did not always exist, our existence in time and space was preceded by our absence, we thereforce came into creation, ie, were created. I've not limited my definition of created to willfull creation, simply the fact of our once non-existence. If you have evidence suggesting our omnipotent existence, be the first and present it.
Whatever we humans create has in fact been created by whatever created us. If we are intelligent, and creation is the qualifying characteristic, then so is our creator, whatever it is. If that is cold process, then that is cold process, and .. so are we; it is what it is, the Universe is what it is.
If what we are is cold process, then so be it. There is an odd symmetry, when it comes to accusations of mysticism; if my belief in the evidence of cold process in the universe as my creator makes me a 'mystic,' then what is the quaint parochial belief that humans are other than cold process? The only evidence that exists supports cold process, all the way down, and all the way up. The rest is indeed all about souls and mysticism and parochial rules intended to preserve the local brand.
We're told there could be no first willfull creator, because then who willfully created the first willfull creator? That's practically a proof of some kind, until it is pointed out that, there could be no first cold process, because then what cold process created the first cold process? Singularities are messy.
If neither first willfull creator, nor first cold process, could possibly exist, then what? Because in fact, we're here, and once were not.
So, around this singularity we build our 'rules for our creator' -- as if we could legislate our own existence.
reguarda, Frediano