| | It's OK. I have often enjoyed being Frank.
Of course definitions of 'God' are arbitrary; how could they be anything but, if conceptually, it is members of 'God's creations' that are making the definitions? We already exist; we are not empowered to place conditionals on our existence, our existence is a fait accompli. We can at most acknowledge our existence, not place conditionals on it. We've already happened, we can't dictate new traffic laws governing our own existence.
So, attempts to extend constructivist definitions back beyond our neighborhood of space-time -- before our own existence -- when we attempt such illogic -- would have to arbitrary and capricious and pretty much made up, when the subject matter ("God") is by definition beyond observational. By definition, a singularity.
Meaningful as a concept inside of skins, but not universally or objectively outside of skins.
A conceptual singularity, because of they way 'we' try to define a universal concept of what a God is. If God created/made us, then how could we or any band of naked sweaty apes ever actually define God, or prescribe God, or tell anyone else, universally, what God is, what God wants, what God doesn't want? And yet, we and so many before us apparently insist.
To try and make sense of this conundrum, the concept has been conflated with the concept of 'that which made/created us.' Whatever that is. Cold process is OK with me.
So, speaking purely for the cold process inside of my own skin, and resolving this conundrum only for myself, I've relied on observation. There is strong objective evidence that my 'maker' is the Universe, as it is, and my function in this Universe is to live in it, as it is. Who am I to question the wisdom of my maker? Moot to question, I'm here.
"Not God Enough?" For me, plenty. "Too much God?" Ditto. Logically answerable in any universal sense? I can't imagine how. Only by participants like me jarringly impressing 'Rules for God' onto others or I suppose, by a theoretical God itself/themselves, and thus conceptually, way beyond my paygrade, I don't claim to be a God.
Religion, Church, God. As a child, they were wrapped up in one big Easter Egg. As an adult, I realize the three concepts aren't even necessarily related.
Our 1st Amendment is a prohibition against impressing 'religion' by the state.
Ask yourself how the state does that without defining 'religion.' Not a Religion, but the meta-concept 'religion.' As in, what Religions are permitted by definition to be religions.
Uh-oh. Sounds like a legislative conundrum popping up around another conceptual singularity. Damn singularities...
I'm not really worried about that conundrum. If you search the US Code, in fact, you won't find a line that says 'the term religion shall mean...'
So then,,, how is the 1st amendment possibly enforced? How does one claim 'protection' under it? How is a claim of 'religion' judged 'religion or not religion?' Is thespianism religion? Is the state empowered to say yes or no, thespianism is or isn't a religion? Not even the IRS code does that.
Must I believe in thespianism to seek protection from it?
Must atheists?
If you look back at early attempts to define 'religion,' as Justice Story did a long time ago, you find the Va Bill of Rights, which is not federal statute, but a damn good attempt in the context of that or any Bill of Rights:
16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our CREATOR, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity, towards each other.
Almost got away clean, too, except for that inexplicable except via politics final clause...
Although not identical, this is damn close in meaning to the meta-definition I have been using most of my adult life, in this land of religious freedom:
Religion, to me, if nobody else: "The answering of the two questions, "Why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing with my life now as a result of that?"
Whether we consciously ask those question or not, free people answer them simply by living their lives. That, to me, is what is meant by 'religious freedom.'
That is the 'duty' which we owe to our CREATOR. Reread the VA BOR, and our own 1st Amendment, with that interpretation of the meta-concept 'religion.'
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of "The answering of the two questions, "Why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing with my life now as a result of that?", nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.
Compare that instead with what is politically regarded as 'religion' in a nation where the state is prohibited from even defining 'religion', by statute. "Belief in a supernatural being, God, Baby Jesus, the cross, etc."
No, those are examples of 'R'eligion, not religion.
A personal answer to those fundamental questions of religion might be 'God' or 'No God' or 'The Universe as it is", but those are all consistent with religious freedom.
Our 1st amendment says nothing about God, it addresses 'religion' without defining 'religion' even as it prohibits the state from uniquely defining 'religion.' It is brilliantly placed as the 1st amendment in a BOR.
'religion' is a man made thing, and our 1st amendment asserts that free men are free to make it what they willm unimpeded by the state.
'church' is clearly a man made thing not uniquely related to religion, but sometimes related to religion.
The concept 'God' may or may not be a man made thing, precisely because of the singular nature of its definition, as a concept, by mankind. Man has rigged the concept by placing it outside of the realm of definition, creating a conceptual singularity around which all kind of nonsense springs up. The concept 'God' is often related to religion, but not always vice versa.
By basing my personal religion on 'the Universe, as is, as my maker', I've resolved my personal war between the tribe and my soul; it's not up for grabs, and the Universe, as is, is plenty 'maker' enough, thank you.
Not God enough? Too much God?
How would I or any other naked sweaty ape possibly know that? It is what lets devout agnostics get on with their lives, here on earth.
regards, Fred