| | Ed:
re; It's an old fallacy to point to the differences of folks in order to claim they have no shared nature.
And, it's an old fallacy, or maybe a brand new fallacy, but either way, a fallacy, to point to the similarities of folks in order to claim that mankind not only shares attributes, but every instance of us is identical, resulting in the conclusion that there is a singular answer to the 'Why am I? questions, which permits us the leglifting tactic of posing them as 'Why are we?'
So, which of us is doing either of those things?
If I claim--which I already did, that mankind shares pro-forma characteristics, that is not the same as either claiming that mankind shares no characteristics(I didn't do that), nor that all instances of mankind shares all characteristics(I hope you didn't do that.)
Re;What do you think about that? (Quote from Rand on tribalism)
I think it and most of her assertions are an overwhelmingly pro-forma assertion by her, a romantic statement of what she believes 'should be,' not 'what is,' based on observation.
Based on observation, there is no singular 'a' nature of man, except on the most pro forma level. (Important, but trivial.) That is why I would assess it as a religious/faith based statement, the deeper she makes the claim, or more aptly, the deeper those interpreting her make the claim on her behalf; a belief not based on observation, ie. faith. Faith in her romantic vision of what should be, even if I agree with her should be(in fact, especially if I agree with her should be.)
Or, what I really believe Rand meant by that, a romantic assertion of what 'should be.'
Is that stating 'reason' enough? because I am not about to thump any of Rands works as Bibles, as if she had written gospel. When I see Objectivists doing that, and they do it often, it looks and sounds just like appeals to JohnGalt3:16 to me, I can't help it. It's a total personal preference, I find it much more illuminating when folks digest and synthesize, not regurgitate. That's just me. I have to pass on that. The world's got plenty of Bible thumpers, it doesn't need even one more, certainly not me, neither my heart nor my head would be in it.
If she truly meant it as an 'is', it is also contradictory. If Rand really means that there 'is' a single nature of man, as opposed to her romantic 'should be', then the collectivists have a fundamental point, and she is simply yet another leg lifting contender in the war of the we. (I don't believe that of her for a second. If I did, I'd burn that part of my library.) I only believe that those intent on jarringly deifying her and marching behind her fasce believe that. And in so claiming, validates the war of the we. If I am going to march behind any philosopher, it is going to be behind one which invalidates the war of the we outright.
Based on observation, one of the favorite tactics of the religious war of the we over the I is to paint competitors in the war of the we as religious mystics, as opposed to what true believers should believe. Durkheim did it. (All but social scientology was religion.) So nay have Rand. (All but Objectivism was religion, or 'false philosophy' of life.) I say that as someone who admires both Rand and her Objectivism, without worshiping either.
Especially without worshiping either. I read Rand, and have self-summarized several many thousands of words as 'one skin, one driver.' Galt's 'oath' is just a little longer than that, and his speech, longer still, and all of Rand, much longer still. But, 'one skin, one driver' suits me fine as a succinct summary. Rand isn't nearly that complicated as we'd like to believe. However, if she had simply published 'one skin, one driver', she'd have clearly starved to death. She made a good living beating those four words to death, and still far too few in the world have gotten her wave off message of all the creative inter-skin alternatives the tribe is constantly dreaming up.
But, I'm not blaming Rand for 'One skin, one Driver', that is my personal mess here. Still, 'one skin, one driver' now can somehow be interpreted as a justification of rape and murder? I don't see that.
If a proper question directed to me and my solo religion is "Are you an existentialist?" then my answer is 'no' if you claim that means I as a cold process existentialist could somehow justify rape and murder via 'one skin, one driver.
Because you lost me with that. I'd view 'rape and murder' as a deeply fundamental violation of 'one skin, one driver.' One of the deepest. I'm having a hard time getting across the point that I don't regard 'one skin uber alles'(crime) as an example of the axiom "one skin, one driver."
Oddly, many (not me) of Rand's critics accuse her of advocating 'my skin uber alles.' It is one of the most common criticisms I hear of her. I never got that from reading her, and don't see how anybody can get that from reading her. For example, Galt's oath clearly had two symmetric parts, it applies in 'two directions.' I mean that to be implicit in 'one skin, one driver.' I'm not equating that with 'my skin, one driver,' which is, I think, your association of that with existentialism(not mine.)
For example, I'd be able to apply the axiom 'one skin, one driver' to an instance of rape, and easily conclude that the rapists had violated that axiom in committing rape/murder. "Existentialists" may or may not, not my concern, no matter what else we might have in common...
re; that *any* commonality of man will lead us to mob war
Where did I assert that? It's true, I distinguish 'commonality on a pro-forma basis' with 'deep commonality.' There is nothing in my already acknowledgment of a 'pro-forma commonality of man' that can be interpreted as meaning that I don't believe in *any* commonality in man. Only that whatever that commonality is(in terms of what 'is', not in terms of what 'should be'), is only on a pro-forma basis. It's my assertion that insistence on a 'deep commonality of man', well beyond a pro-forma basis ("Man needs values, and some of those values are...")is the very leg lifting act that leads to war. When we are so imbued with the righteousness of our deep 'should bes' that we actually reach for the guns and march off to war to line up mankind like self similar bees in a bee colony, other than to defend ourselves from competing wars of the we('most skins uber alles'), or individual wars of 'one skin uber alles (crime.)', then we've gone off the deep end, IMO.
To me, 'one skin, one driver' is plenty axiom enough to govern a usable morality to govern life in a tribe. That is not 'Wittgenstein's Solitary Man.' That is not 'one skin uber alles, dog eat dog.' That is, when there is the odd dispute over playing nice among the tribe, the axiom 'one skin, one driver' is plenty sufficient to resolve it. The alternative paradigms, "One skin, other drivers" is all the variants of leg lifting and slavery and so on, and rationalizing our own very precious really, really good ideas for all of mankind. If they are all that good, then other skins are free to accede to them, and if not, then I can still sleep at night and live my life.
The 'we are all similar bees in a bee colony' view of mankind, ready to march lockstep behind a single fasce, if only we could decide what that singular fasce is, is no more appealing when Rand's followers are clinging to the fasce and claiming 'should be' than any other marching mob. To me, it is the very act of claiming that mankind either should or must line up in file behind fasces of any (except the most trivial and pro forma kind) that leads to the war of the we.
The entire concept of an army of marching Randians is so bizarre to me that I'd readily -- and gladly-- admit, "I didn't get Rand" if that is one of the conclusions I must reach to join the club and carry a card and join the march...
There is Rand's romantic 'should be,' which, even if I agree with and admire her 'should be', is not a statement of 'what is,' no matter how deeply we might want to deify her and her words.
regards, Fred