| | Jordan:
"I just don't see why your "creator" rises to the level of you calling it a god."
Exactly. The key words being "I" and "your" and "you". On the concept of 'God enough/Not God Enough', we naked apes all mutually lift our legs and claim our own universal Rules For God, as if they were or could be universal. Including athiests, and their judgment on the objective evidence of the Unicverse, as it is, as our creator.
Within your skin, call God anythng you wish, including nothing. Outside your skin, the concept has no meaning whatsoever.
If there is a God(I don't know)and then, only if that God wants to make its existence universally known(I don't know that it would or could)then that is the only hypothetical circumstance in which a universal outside of our skin objective concept of God could possibly exist.
I for sure wasn't calling my creator your god. I haveno idea what your god is. How is it you claim to know what my god or any god is?
And by that, you mean, "Not God Enough." That's really odd. Are you saying 'Not God Enough" as an atheist, ie, as one who doesn't believe in any Gods, or are you saying "Not God Enough" as a theist, with an alternative definition of God, or are you saying 'Not God Enough' as someone who claims to see a meaningful difference between anyone, anywhere doing anything like that to set up Rules For God to pass judgement on "Not God Enough?'
My creator has apparently not passed a God Hurdle of some kind.
Or, maybe you are saying, I allowed my creator to pass a God hurdle of mine.
How could we allow that? I mean, how could we allow any creator to rise to the position of a god?
I mean, how could we permit or deny a god anything? What kind of god is that, that requires our permission for anything?
As a devout agnostic, I'm having a hard time making it clear that on the subject of 'is a god, is not a god', that I don't know.
However, I am much less ambivalent about acknowledging the fact that I have a creator, which as far as I can objectively determine, is the Universe, as it is. Whether that creator is a god or The God, as a devout agnostic, is not something I can ever know.
Or, even, logically know.
Or else, I don't know what people mean when they hypothesize the concept 'God.'
I think they mean, the God they've set up Rules for. You know, the God that follows rules setup by his creations.
That God.
As a devout non-aligned agnostic, I don't acknowledge any other mere human being's ability to define or set rules for the concept of God. That is an act of illogic around a singularity. But, that is not the same issue as the existence of my creator. The existence of my creator is a logical certainty -- that which created me, whatever that is, including, cold process.
Otherwise, I'd have to beleive that I existed forever, or worse, that I dont' exist even now.
Not God enough? Flip a coin. Not a question of logic.
I can live with "the universe, as it is, as my Creator."
Hardly fucks me up at all. Am I wrong about my Creator?
Who could possibly tell me that? Nobody in this life.
Is belief in the Universe, as it is, now mysticicm?
regards, Fred