| | Ed:
re; So I'll take half of the blame for that.
I'll take the other half, for not being clear. I meant for the parenthetical comment to apply to the bit directly immediately preceding it, so 2] was my meaning.
"Man needs values, and some of them are..." to me, is clearly an incomplete specification of individual characteristics. It is applicable to mankind in general, and in that pro-forma sense, men individually, but does not fully define men individually.
You might have the gain on your radar turned up too high, or maybe not.
I'm going to introduce another 1] and 2] alternative, because this is the crux of our misunderstanding, I think. Let me be clear, my choice again is 2].
A child is educated, which I define to mean, has realized sufficient skill levels to be able to self educate for life. ie, he is beyond mere instruction. That now aware adult asks the following questions:
"Why am I here? (Beyond 'how' am I here, which we all might well share the asnwer to without consequence.)" "What am I supposed to be doing with my life as a result of that?"
A child can only be told the answers to those questions, by others. That is instruction. But adults are otherwise fully able to answer them, appealing to their education(which hopefully is not relying merely on instruction.)
So, according to the most strict interpretation of Rand, would an Objectivist adhere to 1] or 2] below?
1] The deep, not just pro-forma, but complete individial answers to -those- questions were formed centuries before you were born, and are thus the same for every individual on earth, and thus, are logically answerable as a single answer to the same questions posed as 'we' questions.
2] The complete, deep, not just pro-forma, but individual answers to those questions are formed only after an educated individual makes the focused effort to answer them, individually, as evidenced by their individual lives.
re: pro-forma. Example; a pro-forma contract is not an instance of an actual contract; it is more like a template for a class of contracts. An actual instance of a contract of that class is completed by filling in the individual instance details. (Or, if you prefer C++, the difference between a class/type, and an instance of that class, objectively, an object. However, in Rand's case, I don't think her pro-forma specification is nearly that detailed or restrictive as any C++, so the C++ comparison is too restrictive.)
Rand's non-fictional essays, as detailed as they are, are pro-forma contracts for her view of morality. They are not complete specifications of individual instances of beings living a moral life, not even her vision of a moral life. Her romantic novel characters are painted fictional examples of instances of her vision, her non-fiction philosophical essays are the pro-forma contracts--and even her painted fictional examples are not anywhere near complete specifications.
It is entirely reasonable to apply Rand's pro-forma specification when filling in your details. You and I and 120 other people could all agree on that, not the issue.
The issue is, who should fill out the -details- and sign your personal contract; you, or others for you? If we believe that not just the pro-forma contract, but the actual instance details have long been written, the ink has been dry for centuries, then all that remains is for us to show up and sign the contract.
Let's say, let's even stipulate that you and I and everyone within earshot is in agreement on the ideas expressed in her pro-forma contract. We are, our locally tribe of we, fully convinced that we've got it right, and are now convinced that we have the Right Stuff to go enter into the raging War of the We.
By -entering- that fray(entered by claiming "All Should Thus..."), we validate the wars of the we. As soon as we do that, reason is out the door. What determines the outcomes of wars of the we is brute force, strength of numbers, leglifting, deceit, hairpulling, aka, history. We can enter that fray and leglift 'reason' all we want, but we screwed up as soon as we entered the fray, because 'rason' is not one of the groundrules of combat in that arena. Yes, it should be, and yes, if folks were reaosnable, they'd agree with our subtribe, lather, rinse, repeat, war of the we.
There is another alternative. Keep the same morality, and drop only one element of it: the "All Should Thus...".
The detriment of validating "All Should Thus..." far outweighs any benefit, shared by tribal leaders everywhere and summarized as the worthless thought "if only the world lined up and marched behind our fasce, then wouldn't this be Utopia?" -- because the world is never going to do that, ever. I'm not sure what emotion is behind that tribal leader thought, but it is one that is at the foundation of every war ever fought.
If I am understanding you correctly, then because Rand spoke so forcefully as she pulled so hard on her side of the "I/We" tug rope, you interpret her as advocating another variant of 'All Should Thus...', it just so happens, the right variant. ie, one you agree with rationally, and so on. You might be right, and either one of so inclined(not me)to pour through the scriptures to find evidence of that might be able to support it either way. But totally not necessary, because even if we did, I would see it only as a correctable flaw in her position, not gospel.
"One skin, one driver." Live with the consequences of your choices is plenty, I can live without the utopic zealotry of "All Should Thus..." and am still searching for a sub-tribe, somewhere, that is unwilling to validate the wars of the we.
regards, Fred