[Mr.Knapp:] “Freedomism" — which, I believe, is a synonym for liberventionism coined by [...].”
I will be more precise in order to avoid triggering your imagination again (if I can).
I refer Freedomism as defined by Dr. Rudolf Rummel, who is a Freedomist scholar, and who says:
“Because of my research, the bottom line for me is freedom, the freedom of the individual to live his own life, consistent with a like freedom for others. And I am trying to secure and further it for the United States while fostering it abroad.”
And the bottom line is:
“To foster freedom [everywere] is to foster a solution to war and democide, and to minimize domestic collective violence.”
[Mr. Knapp:] The Democratic Peace Theory is mostly an excuse for imperialism."
The term "Empire", similarly as "rule", is a neutral term. It depends on the Empire you refer.
In example, the Aztec empire was really evil, but the British empire combated slavery very efficiently. I am not saying that the British Empire was close to perfect, what I am saying is that that empire extended the values of freedom and Civilization around the world. In example, Gandhi learned a lot abount freedom in England.
Besides, before critisizing and putting the blame only on America and the West, I would read about the existing alternatives. The West considers slavery as wrong. In example, Islam consider slavery as a legitimate right of Muslims.
[Mr.Knapp:] “Democracy is not freedom.”
Yes (and I assumed --wrongly-- that you would not try to dig here.) It requires the Rule of Liberal Law. "Liberal" in the classical sense, of course.
Anyway, (at a government level) it’s really hard to find something similar to freedom without a democratic system.
[Mr.Knapp:] “Even though the regimes of Guatamala [sic], Iran and Chile were democratic when the U.S. overthrew them, and even though those U.S. interventions were neither just nor defensive,“
The Cold War was a global, not very cold, war. And think about the then existing alternatives, please.
[Mr.Knapp:] “I would never claim those regimes were free.”
Best wishes,
Joel Català