| | Mark wrote:
I'll briefly and inadequately touch on the issue of molten metal, even though it falls under the heading of secondary rather than primary evidence, because John's post devoted so much space to this issue. Despite the fact that molten iron can apparently be formed spontaneously through rapid oxidation under certain highly specific and rare circumstances
HA! You mean like two jets slamming into a skyscraper and a resulting collapse kind of specific and rare circumstances?
The first report from the scene of devastation of molten steel was from Sarah Atlas of New Jersey's Task Force One Urban Search and Rescue, who later wrote that "molten steel flowed in the pile of ruins still settling beneath her feet", as she searched for survivors with her dogs. So molten metal was flowing down the rubble from the start, which rules out subterreanean fires as the cause.
Please note the oxidation of Iron for an explanation of molten metal is one explanation given for pools of molton metal found in the wreckage and subsequent weeks after the towers collapsed. Molton Iron (which comprises 98% of steel) is one possibility for these pools of molton metal. NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE what kind of metal this was. This is purely an excerise for assumptionists. But you decide to shift the focus of the issue in your next paragraph:
Moreover, Dr.Jones provides numerous video and still photos (One of the most dramatic from an NIST report) of yellow-white liquid spilling from the site of bright flashes, falling down the side of the South Tower. NIST reported "Many such liquid flows were observed from near this location (of bright flashes) in the seven minutes leading up to collapse of this (South) tower." (Video footage of the Tower's collapse demonstrates that it was this corner that buckled first.)
You've now shifted the issue from "pools of molton steel" found after the collapse" to "yellow-white liquid spilling from the site...[before] the collapse"
Ok, so you go on to say:
Jones proves, through metallurgical analysis, that the liquid could not be lead, zinc or aluminum; and that the white-yellow flowing liquid metal is "consistent with flowing liquid iron from a nearby thermite reaction zone"--the glowing bright white spot in the NIST photo.
HA! First we ought to know by now Jones is no metalurgist by any stretch of the imagination. He uses someone else's analysis (namely the NIST) and completely misinterprets the context of the analysis given. Let's look at the metallurgical analysis he cites:
NIST report on the Towers admits: Of the more than 170 areas examined on 16 perimeter column panels, only three columns had evidence that the steel reached temperatures above 250ºC… Only two core column specimens had sufficient paint remaining to make such an analysis, and their temperatures did not reach 250 ºC. ... Using metallographic analysis, NIST determined that there was no evidence that any of the samples had reached temperatures above 600 ºC. (NIST, 2005, pp. 176-177; emphasis added)
So what could those yellow flashes be if not aluminum? Oh wait, we still can't rule out aluminum because the NIST replicated office fires with a ceiling temperature reaching 1100 degrees Celsius!!! Well above the temparature needed to melt aluminum! Where did this aluminum come from? Airplanes are made from aluminum! The exterior structure of the WTC was made from aluminum!!! The metallurgic analysis done by the NIST was not an attempt to measure the temperatures of the interior office building fire, which included a fire fueled by gasoline, office equipment, computers, paper, it was an attempt to measure the temperature of the steel core columns!!! Do you honestly think the fire raging on inside the WTC offices would heat up the steal columns to exactly the same temperature as all the other materials that were burning inside? That wasn't even the purpose of that metallurgic experiment! Don't believe that the interior contents of the WTC (computers, desks, papers, etc) could reach a high enough temperature to melt aluminum? Here's your unquestionable proof:

If you're wondering what the above pictures are, it's pictures of Air France flight 358 which didn't hit a skyscraper at 500 miles per hour. (Air France flight 358 crashed after take-off from the Toronto airport last year) The aluminum exterior of this plane melted to the ground because the materials located inside the plane, seats, carpet, plastic, and clothing reached high enough temperatures to make the conditions right for it to melt.
So no Mark, Jones did not prove at all this was not aluminum. Not even in the slightest.
You go on to write:
Jones demonstrates that the yellow color of the liquid metal implies a temperature of 1,000 Centigrade,
Which is consistent with the NIST experiment where ceiling temperatures (without jet fuel adding to the fire mind you) of office fires reaching 1100 Centigrade, well within the temperature needed.
You go on to write:
evidently well above the temperatures generated by black (oxygen starved) low grade fires that burned for about 20 minutes in the South Tower. (Thomas Eager, the MIT expert who created the weakened truss-zipper theory used by officialdom--part of the time--to explain the collapse, stated that it is unlikely that the diffuse fires exceeded 500 to 650 Centigrade in temperature.)
Straight from the NIST: "Nearly all indoor large fires, including those of the principal combustibles in the WTC towers, produce large quantities of optically thick, dark smoke. This is because, at the locations where the actual burning is taking place, the oxygen is severely depleted and the combustibles are not completely oxidized to colorless carbon dioxide and water.
The visible part of fire smoke consists of small soot particles whose formation is favored by the incomplete combustion associated with oxygen-depleted burning. Once formed, the soot from the tower fires was rapidly pushed away from the fires into less hot regions of the building or directly to broken windows and breaks in the building exterior. At these lower temperatures, the soot could no longer burn away. Thus, people saw the thick dark smoke characteristic of burning under oxygen-depleted conditions."
The NIST maintains the office fire reached temperatures of 1100 degrees Celsius. Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, Figure 6-36)."
And Mark, as if channeling Professor Jones himself you shift the argument once again in the next paragraph to molton pools of metal found subsequent to the WTC collapse!! Here's what you wrote next:
So, the plausibility of molten iron and steel being formed spontaneously is not only unproven, but seems implausible, because the required conditions of high sustained temperature and a cooking period were evidently lacking
Which is it Mark? Molten pools of metal found at ground zero or yellow flashes from the South Tower fire prior to its collapse? Nice how you shifted the issue there. It would behoove you to stick to one claim at a time and not shift to Jones' evidence of an entirely different matter.
and because there is no record of building fires ever before having created molten metals.
Completely irrelevant. These building fires were not the result of a jet made out of aluminum slamming into them.
You go on to write:
On the other hand, Jones shows that the molten metal found in the basements of all three collapsed buildings is consistent with the effects of thermite explosions used in professional demolition. He establishes the presence of sulpher in samples taken from the WTC, which is a product of thermite detonation,
Finding Sulpher is not evidence there was a thermite detonation.
Taken from http://www.911myths.com/Sulfur.pdf
2.0 Sources of Sulfur in the WTC
Although sulfur is a relatively common constituent of materials found in typical urban environments, it is difficult to quantify all the sources of this element in a complex structure such as the WTC. Certainly we know that the A36 structural steel used throughout the WTC contained less than 0.04 wt % sulfur. However, this sulfur is chemically bound in sulfide inclusions such as MnS and is essentially immobile. More labile forms of sulfur are found as additives or natural impurities in common workplace materials such as paper, wood and plastics. For example, wood contains up to 0.05 wt % sulfur, while vulcanized rubber may contain up to 5 wt % sulfur. In the present context it is not simply the presence, but the mobility, of sulfur in the WTC that is of interest. In view of the nature of the WTC disaster it is clear that the fires provided a mechanism for the transfer of sulfur containing species from their various sources in the buildings to the surface of structural steel members, thereby creating an environment favorable to sulfiding. We therefore need to consider the effects of the WTC fires on sulfur containing materials in the Trade Center buildings.
3.0 The Production of SO2 in the WTC Fires
Practically all sulfur-containing materials emit sulfur dioxide, SO2, when heated to a sufficiently high temperature in air. However, because of the wide range of sulfur bond strengths in common sulfur compounds, (e.g. sulfates, sulfides, thiols, etc), there is potentially a very wide range of temperatures, typically from 300 to 1300 C, over which release of SO2 is possible. Nevertheless, measurable levels of SO2 are always generated by the combustion of trace sulfur in carbonaceous materials such as plastic or wood. In the case of the WTC disaster, the Boeing 767 aircraft that hit the Twin Towers were carrying about 30,000 kg of kerosene of which about 25 % ignited inside the buildings releasing about 300 Gigajoules of chemical energy. Office furniture, paper, plastics, carpeting, etc, provided additional fuel with an estimated energy content of about 280 Megajoules/m2 of floor space, /See, for example, Ref 3 /. As a result, intense fires raged inside the Twin Towers for up to an hour after the aircraft impacts and sustained heat release rates of at least 10 MW over an effective area of about 1000 m2 in each Tower. There has been considerable debate with regard to the temperatures that were reached at the height of these fires, but values of at least 600 C, and as high as 1000 C in localized “hotspots”, are likely. Thus, there can be no doubt that the fires in the WTC on 9-11 provided the appropriate conditions for the release of SO2 from the combustion of sulfur containing materials on affected floors. Unfortunately there appears to be very little published data on measured concentrations of SO2 in real or simulated building fires. Nevertheless, based on known or assumed inventories of materials in the WTC it is possible to estimate the potential release of SO2 from the two significant sources of sulfur: live load materials and dead load materials. Live load materials are those items that are moveable within the building such as people, office furniture, wall hangings, computers, telephones, printers, paper, etc. Dead load materials are the permanent structural components, such as steel beams and columns, concrete floors, gypsum wallboards, etc, used in the construction of buildings.
I'll shall continue at a later time to discuss the "theories" of WTC 7 you presented in your later paragraphs. But there's only so much time I can devote to debunking junk science.