Wolfer, >>>let a black be a conservative or libertarian, and they are singled out as race traitors, puppets, and uncle Toms." Are you saying that this doesn't happen and that individuals like Sowell and Thomas are only criticized for their ideas?<<<< When you make highly generic statements such as this --without specifying who, precisely, is doing the singling out--- you're indulging in gossip. .No, It's not within the standard canon of leftism to accept Afro-Islamico-mumbo-jumbo.
>>>>>You can do better that that. I didn't say it was "within the standard cannon" - I said they turn a blind eye to some who do accept >>>>>>>> Ditto--who is 'they'? Where are your examples? ..(ME).the vile stupidity of some on this forum to call my common-sense observation 'socialist'. >>>.They might be calling your view points "socialist" for other reasons - perfectly valid reasons, given the wide range of types of socialists that exist (there are even "libertarian socialists" which I see as completely nutty).>>>> For sure. Words mean what fissiles say they mean at the time that they say them. Re my own views: I'm for drastically lowering taxes because it will be to everyone's benefit to have increased productivity. This is Libertarianism without the ideological frou-frou. I write under the assumption that, sharing the same basic goal, the non-fissiles among you people would be interestid in discussing the extent to which your frou-frou is wrong, and as irrelevant as it might be to what needs to be accomplished. In other words, I'm beginning to feel that 'objectivists' are who they are because they've lost focus. Ol and Michael do seem to be far more open-minded, btw. In other words, I can live with Krugman because he's against what I'm for, but be needs to be engaged on a level highr than that of juvenile-name-calling. That means (gasp!) understanding his use of the Euler that describes how people make buying decisions. Otherwise, my 'views' are nothing but common-sense observation, not a belief: of course individual beliefs are sacrificed when they are overruled by a group. >>>>If you really think that the major tv news providers are value-neutral, they you are standing so far over to the far left that it is distorting your view. >>> Lots of studies indicate fox glosses far more than the other three majors. Or perhaps you're saying that the act of studying soemthing is 'leftist'? >>>Bullshit, etc...<< My point is that I don't attach any emotive value to 'racism' whatsoever. It means too many things, as noted, to pass moral judgment. A totally honest and intelligent person can feel that blacks are on the average innately stupid, and despise jazz, soul, hip-hop, rap, basketball, ebonics, and bbq'd ribs with watermelon, as well. Now you wrote: >>>Other blacks who've gotten a free ride on their anti-semitism are the supporters of the Nation of Islam: Like Louis Farrakan and Malcom X<<<< Again, I'm asking you--who, exactly is giving the 'free rides'?. Eva