This is a six-part interview of Edward Snowden with Brian Williams that was filmed in Russia. This is definitely worth watching. After seeing the interview, you may come away with a different opinion of the man behind all the controversy.(Read more...)
I seldom disagree with Sowell. But I think he might be a little off base here. As a libertarian, I don't think the Unvierse owes us unfettered access to a life devoid of exposure to our fellow man. I don't think the Universe owes us anything.
...(Read more...)
One good result of the internet, I've long believed, has been the decline of the old-media news oligopoly. They used to be almost a state church: you didn't have to subscribe, but you were a permanent outsider, at least a little odd, if you didn't. Today they are boutique outlets playing to diehard statists and hardl...(Read more...)