Think about it. If the person is socially obtuse and just didn't recognize that they were abusing my hospitality, I've helped educate them. If they have a narcissistic sense of entitlement, I've not let their poor grasp of boundaries become my issue. If they are a bit mean spirited and hoped to take advantage of me, I've stopped them. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/ArticleDiscussions/1235_1.shtml#27

And, once upon a time we had a good group in place - from the founding fathers on through most of our history we had adequate people in place, until the Fabian Socialists got our schools all turned around and we came to find ourselves a dumbed down nation of entitlement whiners and elitist control freaks. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/GeneralForum/1715.shtml#11

Does my conclusion differ from 'common-sense' and if so can I isolate why that is okay? Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/RoRFitness/0087.shtml#7

Her [Ayn Rand's] absolutism is a reasoned position that contrasts with altruistic or low self-esteem positions that value or use large doses of uncertainty or humility. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Quotes/1708.shtml#3

Enjoy your life to the fullest, if only to spite them Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Jokes/0408.shtml#16

Are you mixing up moral rights and legal rights?  Steve Wolfer Is it Illegal to own gold?

There are those whose minds somehow see a value in stealing the legitimacy of an idea... even though legitimacy can't be acquired by theft. Anarchists have attempted to steal the legitimacy of the Libertarian party by twisting concepts and ignoring the realities. As if it made sense to have a party that puts up candidates for office in a government that they believe should be eliminated. They just keep insisting that they are right whether they are or not, then they can continue to pretend being as legitimate. Theirs is the primacy of words - not ideas and certainly not existence. Steve Wolfer Think of it as Evolution in Action

I won't just imply it - I'll state it out-right - There must be a government monopoly on law. There can be but one set of laws for a given jurisdiction. Period. There is a huge, enormous, unbridgable gap between minarchy and 'anarcho-capitalism.' Minarchy and 'anarcho-capitalism' are so far apart as to be opposites. Capitalism can only exist if there is the freedom for markets to function. And there can be no freedom for markets without the protection of individual rights. People require the protection of person and property against the intiation of force, fraud and theft to make markets free - to open the door for competition. And that requires laws that define those rights. Steve Wolfer Is Taxation an Initiation of Force?

[Pres. Obama] has left the concept of legal - he makes decrees. He got the spending via 'legitimate' vote... but no one challenged the constitutionality of TARP or the Stimulus bills. And no one is fighting against his ignoring the few limits on those new laws - he spends it where he wants, and makes decrees that have no law behind them (like firing the GM president, like setting salaries and bonuses). Law is the only tether to justice and the organized protection of rights. It has to be observed, now it isn't. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Quotes/1444.shtml#7

If you can figure out how to tame the hormones of young adults with rhetoric let me know and we'll see if we translate your magical persuasive techniques to get people to vote for free-enterprise candidates. Steve Wolfer When I First Became a Criminal

It isn't my thinking that went awry. It is your writing. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/NewsDiscussions/2188.shtml#16

To be successful, a rat requires cunning, not genius. Steve Wolfer Corporate Bailout

In a rational society, Barney Franks would find himself walking down some dirt road, trying to find his way back home, wondering about what to do with his life and how to get the tar and feathers off of his miserable hide. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Blogs/0043_1.shtml#21

You say, "Never mind the theories - those are but academic exercises... " But there have been nothing but empty theories and foolish academic exercises to support the absurd claim that anarchy could ever work.
On the other hand, government is already working, and working extremely well in every area where it is aligned with individual rights. Go out and buy something - an ink cartridge for the computer printer, for example. Look at the chain of transactions protected by courts, laws, legislature, law enforcement, etc., that define the terms of valid contracts, property rights, and outlaw the fraud or initiation of force, or theft that could interfere with that. You can point out all the things that are wrong, like the taxes, or a limitation on importation, or requirements for a business license - and we would agree. But each of these can be diminished to the vanishing point until there is no complaint left except a claim that government itself is bad even if it no longer does ANYTHING bad. And there is nothing sensible in that! Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Quotes/1208.shtml#11

We could keep arguing about when America should go to war, but something happened this week. We went broke. Now, war is just one of the things we will shortly no longer be able to afford. Steve Wolfer

Reason demanded, Choice directed, and Courage sustained. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Videos/0093.shtml#9

I can just see [Ariana Huffington], face knotted up in anger and determination, busily duct-taping McCain and Bush together like some three-legged potato sack racer. "Stand still, damn it! You are staying fastened together till Obama gets a chance to win this race!" But Bush isn't running we say, and she says, "He is now! What do you think I'm doing with this tape?" Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/GeneralForum/1283.shtml#11

We laugh at the buffoon Chavez but at least he nationalizes the profitable enterprises. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/NewsDiscussions/2140.shtml#4

Watching [Sarah Palin], everyone can say to himself, somewhere in his subconscious, "The best within me is like her (even if not as successful, or powerful, or whatever) and as long as I'm being honest and standing up for my values I too am a hero (even if on a smaller scale)." Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/NewsDiscussions/2137_4.shtml#96