Another Invention goes down the drain of cheap mass-market copies
by Vera S. Doerr
First Nestlé is forced to reveal the construction of it's coffee-pods to competitors - next the lazy bums want to be also informed when the coffee-machine-design gets changed so they can implement any innovations in their pods without the cost of innovation.
Let's see how far the 'dog-eats-dog' rule is behind the 'antitrust dogwatch'.
Sadly that's just one example of many what goes on here in Europe: Atlas Shrugged all over again ... with one tiny fault: Ayn Rand got the timeline wrong - I won't see the lights go out in my lifetime ;) (Read more...)
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Governor Christie’s Demagoguery
by Tibor R. Machan
In his put down of Senator Rand Paul for the latter’s defense of limited governmental powers in foreign policies, Governor Chris Christie has not produced arguments but engaged in demagoguery. Bringing up the grieving of relatives of 9/11 victims amounts to just that. (Read more...)
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Contra Krugman on Compassion
by Tibor R. Machan
Real versus phony compassion! (Read more...)
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Many Medical Devices Still Taxed Under Baucus Health Bill
by Unknown
A link to an article at another web site. (Read more...)
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Saturday September 12, 2009 |
On Respecting the Presidency
by Tibor R. Machan
After one congressman shouted out "liar" during President Obama's speech to Congress the other evening, one of Mr. Obama's cheerleaders at The New York Times intoned gravely that even if one disapproves of a given office holder, one ought to show respect for the office. Well, not really, not any more. (Read more...)
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Conference to ask: Are Liberals Mean?
by Michael E. Marotta
To what extent do non-profit social service agencies and government offices cause harm? How badly do "do-gooders" hurt other people with secondary consequences? (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 19, 2008 |
Congress demands Amtrak's Sunset Limited be restored
by Sarah Karush
WASHINGTON - Until Hurricane Katrina ripped up the railroad tracks east of the Mississippi, Amtrak's Sunset Limited ran from Los Angeles to Sanford, Fla. The tracks were repaired long ago, but Amtrak didn't return east of New Orleans. The national passenger railroad has said that the service was ineffective and ... (Read more...)
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Achtung! Germany drags homeschool kids to class
by Bob Unruh
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A Nazi-era law requiring all children to attend public school, to avoid "the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions" that could be taught by parents at home, apparently is triggering a Nazi-like response from police.
The word comes from Netzwerk Bildungsfreiheit, or Network for Freedom in Education, which confirmed that children in a family in Bissingen, in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, have been forcibly hauled to a public school.
"On Friday 20 October 2006 at around 7:30 a.m. the children of a home educating family ... were brought under duress to school by police," the organization, which describes itself as politically and religiously neutral, confirmed.
A separate weblog in the United States noted the same tragedy. (Read more...)
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Why There Should Be No Minimum Wage
by Wesley Bronez
86% of the United States' population supports a higher minimum wage. This is why I'm not one of the 86%. (Read more...)
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Aid Only Feeds Africa's Corruption
by Carl Mortishead
Ask Andrew Mwenda how rich nations can help Africa and you get a quick and disturbing answer.
“The best thing the West can do is nothing,” he says.
The Ugandan journalist and broadcaster is in London telling anyone who is prepared to listen that aid has been a disaster for Africa, fuelling corruption and hindering development. (Read more...)
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Virgin on Track for Passenger Space Trips
by Associated Press
British billionaire Richard Branson's latest venture will take you into space for a cool $200,000. (Read more...)
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Pro-Lifers Guilty of Mass Murder!
by Roger E. Bissell
The Rhythm Method of contraception causes more embryonic deaths than birth control and morning after pills -- rivalling even the number of deaths due to abortion -- so Right to Lifers are in no position to criticize the morality of other people's methods of contraception. (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand Society - 2006
by Stephen Boydstun
The topic of the Ayn Rand Society this year will be Tara Smith's new book Ayn Rand' Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist. This work was published this year by Cambridge University Press. The ARS meeting will be held in conjunction with the APA Eastern Division meetings in Washington DC, at the Marriott Wardman Hote... (Read more...)
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Hoppe Attacked!
by Ken Gregg
Hoppe is responding to a student's political incorrectness charge on a discussion in class on time preference and homosexuals. (Read more...)
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Say Goodbye to the Iron Curtain
by Jana Beck
The Romanian women's gymnastics team may have won the gold in the team competition, but they couldn't produce an all-around champion. They couldn't even produce an all-around medaler, this time around... Why? (Read more...)
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Customize your Rebirth of Reason experience
by Joseph Rowlands
Information on how you can improve your Rebirth of Reason experience. (Read more...)
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Changing of the (Editorial) Guard
by Lindsay Perigo
SOLOists – as from today I shall be assuming the mantle of SOLOHQ editor in order to allow the redoubtable Jeff Landauer to pay attention to his new day job. I’m sure we’re all mighty grateful for his Herculean efforts to date. I say “to date” because, of course, he won’t be far away, & he’s not off the hook altogether... (Read more...)
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Showtime! SoloHQ 2.0
by Lindsay Perigo
Below is a message from SOLO’s Executive Director Joseph Rowlands. It heralds the arrival of the much-anticipated SOLOHQ 2.0. Joe & SOLOHQ’s web master, Jeff Landauer have been slaving away for months bringing this new, more interactive site to life. I salute them on its birth.
... (Read more...)
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SOLO Proudly Announces ...
by Lindsay Perigo
In SOLO's Credo I wrote that SOLO was not afraid to acknowledge that Ayn Rand was wrong about some things, and that homosexuality was one of them. I made it clear to anyone who cared to listen at the time that one of SOLO's first projects would be to exorcise the shocking homophobia that has disgraced the Objectivist movement since Day One - to expose it to the lights of day and reason, show it to be the grotesquery that it is and fiercely proclaim how alien it is to a philosophy that sets such store by the identification of reality. (Read more...)
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Conference: "Innovation, Substance, Vision: the Future of Art"
by Michael Newberry
The Foundation for the Advancement of Art is having its first conference, Innovation, Substance, Vision: the Future of Art, at the Pierre Hotel in New York City, October 6th, 2003. (Read more...)
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Solo Philadelphia
by Elizabeth Kanabe
Announcing SOLO Conference 3: Philadelphia. October 3-5, 2003. (Read more...)
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What the Hell Has Happened to the Radical Spirit of Objectivism?
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
For the past few months, debates over the war in Iraq have raged among Objectivists. (Read more...)
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Michael Newberry Frames
by Barry Kayton
Newberry Miniature Frames are here! (Read more...)
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by Elizabeth Kanabe
Announcing SOLO NYC! (Read more...)
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Article Submission Guidelines FAQ
by Admin Admin
Here are some guidelines for submitting articles to RoR. Please help keep this site lively by sending in something fun and interesting (or whatever else you want to send!) (Read more...)
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