| | Don't worry Kitten, it's all make believe. Publicity stunts.
I was going to offer The Tender One a cameraman and body dub job in a porno flick in the kitchen, but he's doing some "solo" sex thing over in Tennessee, so he can't make it, and anyway, somehow word leaked out that we were doing a horror movie.
Guess I'll have to dig up my frog and typewriter and evil spirits over at the Writing Thread and do another script - wanna write some slash-trash now?
Gotta do something about casting though. Look at those jokers who showed up! We would be lucky to break even on the home video market with those hams.
Hmmmmm... Maybe a camp-horror thing like "Night of the Living Dead"...
Marcus and Jennifer, don't worry. We've kept your option open - you still have the leading roles in whatever film we do...
What really scares me though is that one guy around here (Mike) is way too interested in our pheromones and another guy (Bob) wants us to snort bluebirds. Dayamm! And look at what happens to Luke when he doesn't get his pie-chart fix!
At least Hong loves us...
PS - Thanks everybody who said such nice things! We can lap up as much as you can dish out. AYANND we are really making a go of it. AYANND it is worth it! AYANND it is magnificent! I hope y'all enjoy as much happiness and love as we do.
PPS - Ginny, you pipe down and git your ass on over into the kitchen where women belong. Kitten will show you the ropes... (Edited by Michael Stuart Kelly on 4/05, 9:41pm)