| | I highly recommend A FORCE MORE POWERFUL. http://www.pbs.org/weta/forcemorepowerful/
Read about how the Danes handled the German occupation.
I just bought another edition of the Tao Te Ching, this one by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I found a nice one last year with original Chinese on one page and a translation on the other. I bought it when my wife and I were taking Tai Chi classes.
Defending yourself (or your village or your nation) against violence means redirecting the energy of the attacker, diffusing and dispersing it, or, as needed, putting into or onto the attacker.
In Tai Chi as in other oriental martial arts, it is common to brush the attack aside, to deflect the attack, but not to meet it directly.
Western martial arts --- boxing, wrestling, fencing, US Army field maneuver -- is summed up in the words of the Prize Fighter in the opera Carmen Jones: "Stand toe to toe! Trade blow for blow!" Rocky Balboa is the paradigm for western martial arts. "It don't hurt... It don't hurt... It don't hurt..."
Deflect, disperse, avoid, turn aside, step aside, negate.