| | <<Thursday, December 21, 2006 - 3:18pm Reply John Dailey>>
I've thought about the possibility of such a "church" (for lack of a better term).
It might work. However, one of the key elements in the religious experience is the element of an ideal. For those who believe in God(s) Who answer to prayers, this often gets very practical results. Having called upon the Final Authority, they can rest in relative piece regarding some issue or dilemna. Perhaps more important, they get answers.
"Star Trek" creator and Ayn Rand fan, Gene Roddenbury gave a talk once in which he described how he created the characters of the series, particularly Spock. He would go upstairs to an empty room, containing just a desk and chair. He would lay a legal pad on the desk and draw a vertical line down the middle. At the top, on one side, he would write "Spock." On the other, "Me." Then he would hold a conversation with Spock, writing the questions and answers.
The interesting thing was that he got real answers, not just to what Spock looked like, his personal history, his personality, but also regarding abstract issues, sometimes yielding replies that he himself had never thought of. On one occasion, he said that he asked Spock ~ "So what is the purpose of the universe, anyway." And Spock replied, "Well, obviously the universe is a hothouse for evolving intelligence."
When a devout Christian kneels at his bedside and asks "Jesus" for guidance in choosing the right thing to do, he is creating in his own mind a "Jesus" object, with attributes, methods, ect., just like a JavaScript object for a website. Having defined the "Jesus" object as having certain attributes, such as infinite wisdom, a kind of objectivity, absolute truthfulness and benevolence, the answers the believing Christian gets from prayer may very well be of better quality than what he would personally decide via a non-prayer cognitive path. They will almost certainly at least be consistent with the Christian morality, and may well get him past personal emotional blocks or fears related to "doing the right thing."
The worst thing about the Rand/Branden breakup was that, for a great many Objectivists, the two of them were virtually Gods. At minimum, they were seen as champions and heros, and they, plus the pure abstraction "John Galt," of course, substituted in many people's minds for God, Jesus, Allah, whatever, not in the sense of having any supernatural powers, of course, but simply in that one could ask, in ones own mind, "what would John Galt, or Ayn, or Nathaniel do." And I suspect that it also worked to get people past personal hurdles involved in the problem of thinking objectively about things one has an emotional investment in.
This is natural, and there is nothing inherently wrong with the practice, although there are clearly dangers and potential downsides. We need heros as well as art to serve as cognitive/emotional reference objects, to help clarify complex issues and keep us focussed.
The problem, then, with such a universalist church of reason, is that one man's God is another man's heresy. I don't know if you could make such a thing work on any scale without heros or Gods to concretize the abstractions, and taking that step automatically puts you at odds with the very people you would hope to bring in.
That said, it might be useful to have such a church for those of us who are already convinced, as a social gathering or organizing center. I know that when I attend meetings put on locally by the Ayn Rand Institute, it's not usually in the hopes of learning anything new, but rather as a way of forcing myself to focus in depth on the set of ideas being presented, as well as a place to meet other like-minded people.
The examples for that sort of thing are fairly numerous, from the old EST groups, to the Unitarian/Universalists. The U/U has no categorical beliefs and many atheists attend their services or participate in their various discussion groups. The only common principle appears to be a kind of intellectual awareness missing from most random personal associations. You may not agree with anyone there, but at least you will be able to intelligently argue with them.
Anyway, I think that the idea has merit. Just not sure how to go about it, or if it could actually bring in anyone who isn't already on board.
I've also noticed, BTW, that the organizations to which I already belong or participate in, such as science fiction clubs, or various humanist/atheist groups, are seriously greying. Very few youth attend, and then typically because their parents are. At the same time, within the youth, there is a apparently a growing movement to create "infoshops," which are typically a combination of bookstore, coffee-shop, meeting place, internet cafe and crash house. There are kids, often on their own, who move around the country, staying at these infoshops, working enough to pay the rent and survive. The support they get is as much psychological and "spiritual" as physical.
Many of them are seriously intellectual as well and have read extensively. Unfortunately, the intellectual schools of thought into which they have typically bought are of the left "progressive" variety. It might be possible, however, to have a real influence within that subculture. These are kids who have had it with the seriously negative public school systems and traditional political ideas. They have energy and a desire to do something important with their lives, which is a good starting point, at minimum.