| | I guess I just don't go for "brawls" on forums. It is cheap trade, even easier to find than a crackwhore outside of my office building.
I used to. Damn, I loved it. Loved it. Some of it is still around in the archives on the NB Yahoo forum. But the peak of it was on the old Cleveland Freenet/Case Western CWRUNet. And of course, there will never be a better place to street fight than on IRC.
Two things I ended up noticing. The first was that, like drugs or alcohol, it feels the best when you're doing it. Later, it can come back and make you feel not so good. The second, and more important fact is this: it is much, much easier to do than actually stay in there without ad hominem and try to conclude with all parties intact. It is easy to be artful with a flamethrower. Agree, disagree, whatever, exit with respect. That is not milquetoast, there is no weakness in it. It requires a great deal of discipline, and honesty, does it not?
The reason I ran Adam up the flagpole was because it seemed funny to me, but I kind of figured it might seem funny to Adam, too, to point out his error that way.