Michael, don't try to burn me with my own fire, alright? We've been down this road before, and you still think the same mind tricks will work again! No sadistic glee, huh? Well, square that with this ...
from post 158 at …
[Newberry said] ...
Many people reasonably enjoy exercising their sense of life. Enjoy things like flirting, flowers, provoking people (one of the favorite things to do) and they may not appreciate someone pressing them to analyze those things especially when it is something they enjoy. In fact you might even get spat on or worse.
[Ed said] ...
First of all Michael, if you are trying to provoke me, it's working. It takes a big person to admit that (to admit that another whom you respect, has gotten under your skin). First of all, there seems to be an insinuation that I, myself, do not enjoy a sense of life. I enjoy flirting and flowers, Michael. I enjoy playing with my niece and nephew. I enjoy playing guitar. Etc. But on top of that, if your aren't making this insinuation, then it comes across like you are giving an unexperienced child a life-lesson.
Secondly, if part of someone's sense of life is to provoke people, and these provokers don't "appreciate" having to analyze, then bugger off. Don't read the thread, then. Look away. The world does not revolve around your unchecked predilections ...
[whiny, pouty voice] But, but, I don't want to have to put up with other's ideas. I don't want them to be able to voice them in partitioned quarters here. Because then I might run across them and be challenged by a competing view, and I shouldn't have to be put through all that. Life should be easier for me then that.
[Yes, I'm calling you an irresponsible whiner here, Newberry -- able to dish out insult after insult, but not willing or able discuss the underlying issues and ideas. Oh yes, that's right, you're only here to have "fun" here -- right?
And when your torment of another is no longer "fun" (because he can make you eat your poorly-chosen words -- if you'd only stick to the point at hand), then it's time for HIM to back down, and stop asking for analysis -- or he could "get spat on or worse." What kills me is that you admit to enjoying provocation of others -- and then have a child's hissy fit, when it comes back in your face.]
So, when you say ...
what you comprehend as "sadistic" is, in fact, kindness.
... I guess you mean -- like the drunken father who physically abuses his kid would say -- "What I dish out to him is good for him. The world's a tough place. I'm making him strong. It's actually kindness, you know. Even if earlier I said that I get off on it, you've just got to believe me that I do it with HIS interests at heart."
No thanks.