
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 80

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 11:13amSanction this postReply

I am not failing at anything of the sort. You are welcome to post as many manifestos as you like and press "send" as much as you like...but none of that has substance until you are worth your salt. Reality is not a science laboratory, its life. Go out and get a life. Students don’t qualify. I love teaching but students at University are simply in a grace period, its like being guinea pigs in a protected and isolated environment.

Its so simple, you want respect and that on a grandiose scale, you are coming across as a megalomanic, but the fact is you are simply a student.

Being kind, and generous, it seems you are  experiencing an excitement about normative abstractions, when one feels they know the solutions to World’s and reality’s problems. But that is a infitesimal percentage of the work that is needed to make your aspirations real...so again, start making them real, then get back to us in about 10 years with what you know. Your internet hypotheses aren’t worth shit until then.


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Post 81

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 11:16amSanction this postReply

I, on the other hand, have been greatly impressed by Dean over last few days. Especially the capital Reality in his head, his 1000000 years of life expectancy, and his God, sorry, Galt-like mentality ("All my life people have been dependent on me to teach them ideas..."), etc. etc. (I am sure there are a lot of more impressive things that I've missed). 

I don't think we need to wait for 10 years. Have you seen young people like this 10 or 20 years before? And where are they now? It's actually all very predictable.

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Post 82

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 12:18pmSanction this postReply
I'm an advanced weight lifter in the gym, but I don't go around crowding out the vanity-mirror space of the smaller, less experienced lifters (even the ones showing off about a relatively small muscle gain ). That's the main difference between me and Newbully. In fact, I wrote a short poem about him -- and it goes a lil' sumthin' like this ...


Hold your head up, but not higher than he thinks it should be, 
Or he'll swat it back down, and often with sadistic glee.

Like a skilled blacksmith, he'll use your own fire against you,
To forge the blades that he's carefully made, for no reason but to cut you.

He's been around the block, creating great beauty and then some,
He postures, he poses, he revels in feeling handsome.

Ironic that he's bitter, after all he's overcome,
To knock down younger egos, ones he considers 'dumb.'

I, myself, have bled, by sword forged in my own fire,
Yet remain dumbfounded,
This creative man,
This sadistic desire.


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Post 83

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 1:49pmSanction this postReply
In re post 74 (Ed):

FYI: a "nadir" is a low point. I think you want "zenith," which is a high point.

Nuff said.


Post 84

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 2:35pmSanction this postReply
In re post 83 (REB):

FYI: a "nadir" is a low point. I think you want "zenith," which is a high point.

Nuff said.

FYI: "Point" taken.


[often wrong, but never outwitted]

Post 85

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 2:53pmSanction this postReply

I am honored and amused by your Newbully ode. I just realized now but your dedication is not the first, there were others about love and inspiration and, even, about my works but never about intimidation, in that way its a first.

One shame is that what you comprehend as "sadistic" is, in fact, kindness. On the other hand I can understand how my comments to Dean could sting you as well. Perhaps, one day, you will see them as a reality shot and not as a calculated prick delivered to give only exquisite pain.


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Post 86

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 5:46pmSanction this postReply
Michael Booberry wrote:
a calculated prick delivered to give only exquisite pain.
Enough about your sex life, OK, Michael? This thread is about public teachers!  :-)


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Post 87

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 6:11pmSanction this postReply
Michael, don't try to burn me with my own fire, alright? We've been down this road before, and you still think the same mind tricks will work again! No sadistic glee, huh? Well, square that with this ...

from post 158 at …




 [Newberry said] ...


Many people reasonably enjoy exercising their sense of life. Enjoy things like flirting, flowers, provoking people (one of the favorite things to do) and they may not appreciate someone pressing them to analyze those things especially when it is something they enjoy. In fact you might even get spat on or worse.


[Ed said] ...


First of all Michael, if you are trying to provoke me, it's working. It takes a big person to admit that (to admit that another whom you respect, has gotten under your skin). First of all, there seems to be an insinuation that I, myself, do not enjoy a sense of life. I enjoy flirting and flowers, Michael. I enjoy playing with my niece and nephew. I enjoy playing guitar. Etc. But on top of that, if your aren't making this insinuation, then it comes across like you are giving an unexperienced child a life-lesson.

Secondly, if part of someone's sense of life is to provoke people, and these provokers don't "appreciate" having to analyze, then bugger off. Don't read the thread, then. Look away. The world does not revolve around your unchecked predilections ...

[whiny, pouty voice]
But, but, I don't want to have to put up with other's ideas. I don't want them to be able to voice them in partitioned quarters here. Because then I might run across them and be challenged by a competing view, and I shouldn't have to be put through all that. Life should be easier for me then that.


[Yes, I'm calling you an irresponsible whiner here, Newberry -- able to dish out insult after insult, but not willing or able discuss the underlying issues and ideas. Oh yes, that's right, you're only here to have "fun" here -- right?


And when your torment of another is no longer "fun" (because he can make you eat your poorly-chosen words -- if you'd only stick to the point at hand), then it's time for HIM to back down, and stop asking for analysis -- or he could "get spat on or worse." What kills me is that you admit to enjoying provocation of others -- and then have a child's hissy fit, when it comes back in your face.]



So, when you say ...



what you comprehend as "sadistic" is, in fact, kindness.



... I guess you mean -- like the drunken father who physically abuses his kid would say -- "What I dish out to him is good for him. The world's a tough place. I'm making him strong. It's actually kindness, you know. Even if earlier I said that I get off on it, you've just got to believe me that I do it with HIS interests at heart."


No thanks.





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Post 88

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 6:18pmSanction this postReply
Ed, does it always take you 9 paragraphs and 2 quotes, to call someone a bastard?


Post 89

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 6:34pmSanction this postReply
Ed, does it always take you 9 paragraphs and 2 quotes, to call someone a bastard?

LMAO! George, that dig was a good one! I don't always need 9 paragraphs, but 2 quotes are an absolute necessity -- as Descartes once said (in a letter) ...

I'd have made this letter shorter, if I had had more time to write it.


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Post 90

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 6:47pmSanction this postReply
> I'd have made this letter shorter, if I had had more time to write it.

Well then take some more time. Every thread I look at on this board every single day every fifteen seconds "Machine Gun Thompson" has more to say and at infinite length.

Post 91

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 7:20pmSanction this postReply
Waaaaah! Waaaah! : ( I guess I must be a fool then.

Post 92

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 7:58pmSanction this postReply
Roger, I guess there is no way to play off "sadism" without a sexual connotation, perhaps Ed is the one at fault here for rising it up in the first place. ;)

Hong, your so right about not waiting ten years, I am not holding my breath.

Ed, (as I shake my head in the most impertinent way.) What’s going on with you? You initiate a confrontation with me?! Your calling me bitter, a sadist, a poser....and you continue with calling me a whiner based on your pouty summary...I hear the Twilight Zone and the men in white coming to pick up Ed and not only is Dean the President of the U.S. is also the Director of Psychology headquartered at your new home.
So, when you say ...
what you comprehend as "sadistic" is, in fact, kindness.
... I guess you mean -- like the drunken father who physically abuses his kid would say -- "What I dish out to him is good for him. The world's a tough place. I'm making him strong. It's actually kindness, you know. Even if earlier I said that I get off on it, you've just got to believe me that I do it with HIS interests at heart."

No Ed, I meant "kindness" literally, your example doesn't cut it...

Recently, a student offered this quote from my website, www.NewberryWorkshop.com

"I can't believe how much I've learned from Michael in such a short period of time! I thoroughly enjoy the classes and am incredibly happy with the art I am making under his direction. Michael is a master of his craft, and I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from him. I can't emphasize enough how much I recommend his classes!"

Doesn’t exactly sound like a confession extracted by whinny, bitter, artificial sadist, now does it?


(Edited by Newberry on 3/16, 8:04pm)

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Post 93

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:15pmSanction this postReply
Philip Coates writes:

Every thread I look at on this board every single day every fifteen seconds "Machine Gun Thompson" has more to say and at infinite length.

Meeouw, Dr Civil, I think you forgots to add yer basic smiley face.

That mild snarkiness aside, I admire your plodding insistence on civility, but the best thing about insults, I find, it that you can ignore them all if you choose, and you can therefore choose to use them yourself -- with an icy, considered, and thoroughly shocking precision. I am so tired of the dismal quality of insults in this thread. Here Dean has invited all to participate in his mania, to grandstand along with him, to lob out big roaring O'ist bombast, and you take a weak little snipe at our Ed? For Shame, Dr Nice.

I like Ed and his freewheeling opinions, and since I am a fan I do slog through all his long posts, just like I slog through yours, Phil. I don't agree with his take on Dean vis-a-vis the reaction in this thread, yet I would hesitate to imply that he is more verbose, contentious, one-eyed, obsessed, autistic, or otherwise more odious than any other contributor here.

Ed's idea, I would claim, is slightly wrong. What his analysis misses is the concern for our Dean shown by those with no dog in this show. I too feel bad for Dean and hope that the wee bout of hypomania passes. He's a good guy. You're a good guy (Ed's a great guy). Pettiness and snark counts against every player, Phil. Two minutes in the penalty box for sniping.

Couldn't you guys, after all, let the fuck up on each other and act more like friends -- or at least act more like minimally-compassionate compatriots?

Dean, believe it or not, these people are your lifeline right now. Please try a bit harder to understand their concerns, Roger's especially, even with his latter tones of contempt -- underneath the narstiness they care about you and are looking out for you. The thrill of being an objectivist sometimes includes the thrill of raging rhetoric, crypto-monomania and fulminous denunciations. It's more than fine to rage and rant and go on a mental tear and tirade, and it's not a worry if you briefly alienate a friend thereby. It's okay to let yourself go now and again, or even often, Dean, and your pals don't generally bite back.

When your friends do bite back, Dean, it's time to slow down and stop thrilling yourself and yourself alone . . .

So you might ought take yourself with a grain of salt too, then, my brother. Step back from yourself a sec and see what some of your friends are seeing. Step away from background feelings of abandonment and isolation and, yes, euphoria, and see if you can't appreciate the small wisdoms you are being offered here in response to your rantifications of late.

What I am saying is that when one hectors people, people back away, and an audience, a potential love, may be lost.

Is it worth it, this cost of being right, rantingly right? Nope. These are your brothers and sisters, Dean, so listen up a bit, huh?


Post 94

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:36pmSanction this postReply
not only is Dean the President of the U.S.
That's not the first time someone has suggested that I be the President of the US. Have you met me? Do you think your life would be better if I was President of the US? Maybe not now... I have many things to learn from people like... Michael Newberry and Hong Zhang and Philip Coates. I love to hear when people tell me "Dean Michael Gores is incapable (that they are a person who likes to make others feel less confident about their ideas even though they haven't thought through what I am thinking)".
(Edited by Dean Michael Gores
on 3/16, 8:36pm)

Post 95

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:46pmSanction this postReply
William Scott Scherk, I'm just eh... going crazy because I've discovered I'm pretty much all alone in discovering what is consistent with reality and what is not. I've realized that almost no-one consistently uses the scientific method for learning. I'm rebuilding my ideas. I'm re-verifying who I can trust.

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Post 96

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:46pmSanction this postReply
Damn William!  I know you can't stand "those stupid atlas points," but I had to give you some for installing that effective grounding wire. Nice!

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Post 97

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:49pmSanction this postReply
(Edited by George W. Cordero on 3/17, 2:02pm)

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Post 98

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 9:09pmSanction this postReply
Dean, no, you are not going crazy, your knobs just all got turned past ten somehow. Grab hold and ratchet yourself down a touch, dude.

Please remember your own history. You are not invulnerable. You are vulnerable to totalistic systems, vulnerable at to simple all-encompassing solutions, vulnerable especially to magnification. You know this, so you can find your own wisdom while considering if you are having what some call a conversion experience, or peak experience, even a 'born again' experience. The joy, the feeling, the exhuberant certainty, your 'affect' -- this is joined to your head and its contents, remember, and comes a day when you know you can't keep that level of joy without hurting yourself. You have been down that road before.


Post 99

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 11:37pmSanction this postReply

Or better yet, just retire.

It's amazing that YOU'd be so directly crass (considering posts 82, 87, and 93).

[Thank you for the moral support, William!]

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