| | Mike E.,
Sorry to be a little defensive with you. It had just seemed to me that anything Michael did/said was to be taken as an expression of artistic license, or of a "pure authenticity," and that that same standard would not apply to me (because I'm not as "artistic" as he has shown himself to be).
=================== I meant for my paragraph beginning with "What we are about here on this forum.." to express my purpose and strategy for communicating here. ===================
That's part of the problem, Mike. I didn't take your words as a personal purpose/strategy (because they were written more as a universal!). Think about it. If you begin to preach to me about what we're here for, about what this forum is for, then don't you find that a little presumptuous, given that I've been on this forum for at least a year or two longer than you have? Given the fact that I've contributed articles to this forum, but you (as yet) have not? I found that presumptuous -- and it got under my skin.
=================== My paragraph about Michael was simply expressing my view of him in order to contrast that to my view of you to give you insight into my "bias". ===================
=================== If a person is being HONEST there is no need for you (or anyone) to be offended. ===================
Call me pedantic, but there doesn't have to be a "need" for me to take an offense. If I take offense, then so be it. I don't care if others feel it didn't "need" to be that way, which is another way of saying that, because it was possible to shelve my personal feelings (and be more "PC" about things), then I "shouldn't" react authentically -- if my reaction would be "upsetting" to some folks.
=================== If you see no value in their feedback or ideas, simply cease dealing with them. ===================
Good point.
Ed [and my main goal, Mike, IS to portray my thoughts exactly, even if I digress, at times -- just look at my articles]