
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 40

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 11:12amSanction this postReply

Are you made of such stuff to let an "overconfident windbag" get "under one's skin"?
Well, I'd like to think that I command a modicum of admiration. I mean, hell, guys like me don't grow on trees, you know!


... so, when O-CW's such as yourself, start hooting & hollering about how much better my responses could have been; how much more to the point, how much more depth was, literarily, available, but unused -- then I get a little perturbed.

The closest example of this dynamic (on this forum) would be Rowlands' dismay/disgust with "Dr. Phil" (Coates). Look to that dynamic to understand more clearly my transient dismay over your wily machinations.

Yes, you can get under my skin, Newberry (take that as a compliment), but this will only ever be temporary. You are an important man, but I don't need your love to flourish! Go ahead and poke fun at me (I can handle it), just don't complain when it goes both ways -- and you get outwitted ...



Post 41

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 12:07pmSanction this postReply

Yeah! Enjoyed your post.

I "got" almost all of your post!

But I did not understand the point behind this statement: "The closest example of this dynamic (on this forum) would be Rowlands' dismay/disgust..."

Can you fill me in on what you meant?

"...just don't complain when it goes both ways -- and you get outwitted ..."

I won't when that time comes but a happy creator is a hard person to outwit, indeed, I will be delighted as punch when it occurs.



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Post 42

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 12:38pmSanction this postReply
Michael quipped ...

I "got" almost all of your post!
Wow! Good for you, Michael. I think you're improving at a tremendous pace!

"The closest example of this dynamic (on this forum) would be Rowlands' dismay/disgust..."

Can you fill me in on what you meant?
Well, it's really not THAT bad, but this is what I had meant ...

Criticism can be a wonderful thing (when it creates positive change). It can also be caustic. You have shown folks here that criticism can be funny -- possibly even joyous (though this last point disturbs me somewhat; and I'll need to think more about that).

Different folks'll have different limits about different subjects, and crossing the limits may burn bridges between people. I'm really not that scared of burning a bridge to you, Michael, and it's not because I don't care to have one -- but that I trust that there is an underlying benevolence to your jib-jabs, and that you (in your rants) don't intend to carry things that far.

a happy creator is a hard person to outwit
Be sure, it will occur in less than a month's time (if you keep up this ranting regularly). I already have some minor, tangential "out-wits," but they aren't that funny -- and, in a prize fight, you really have to "knock-out" the champ, you can't just win the match on points.

= "to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation" [m-w.com]

Michael, as the line above represents -- if I can't understand you, then I will learn to. 

Part of the drama in our arguments, is for you to make me out to be a bad guy. And that dynamic is necessary for the tragic comedy that you are in the process of writing (with your wily replies). You, the wise teacher, showing Ed the way. I, Grasshopper, the young Paddawan-learner. Yada, yada, yada. Just keep it up, fella -- you'll get yours soon.

And the student became the master ...



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Post 43

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 12:51pmSanction this postReply
Ed says:  I'm really not that scared of burning a bridge to you, Michael, and it's not because I don't care to have one -- but that I trust that there is an underlying benevolence to your jib-jabs, ...
then Ed says: I already have some minor, tangential "out-wits," but they aren't that funny -- and, in a prize fight, you really have to "knock-out" the champ, you can't just win the match on points.

Ed, a boxing analogy? You will never know how funny I find that.


A word of warning Ed, "Irish Micky Newberry" is 32-1, (the one loss being a controversial bout where many suspect he took a dive on purpose, due to mafia pressure.)

best of luck, Ed, and keep your left up


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Post 44

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 1:08pmSanction this postReply
I, on the other hand, is rooting for Ed.

"Oldmelon", (hahaha!!), especially before taking off his cloves (hahahahahahaha!!!), very, very good.

You are doing great, Ed!

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Post 45

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 1:26pmSanction this postReply
Oh Hong,

You have to learn how to rate your fighters. Michael's just having fun, getting warmed up, Ed's already swinging for the rafters. Besides, Ed doesn't have the "killer" instinct.

No contest.

Ed: "Come on, put'em up! I'll murdelize you! Put'em up, put'em uppp!"

Michael: "Ha Ha"

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Post 46

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 1:43pmSanction this postReply
I have no idea how to rate fighters.

However, I'd never pick a fighter whose name is "New Berry" (or "Old Melon" for that matter), and who mistook "cloves" for his "gloves"!

So I'd say that Ed definitely has a chance that's more than good!

(Edited by Hong Zhang on 1/14, 1:53pm)

Post 47

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 3:15pmSanction this postReply
Oh, gosh! I am picking myself up off the floor after laughing myself off the chair.
I am still laughing with some of you and at some others.

Yes, a member of the "O" mafia contacted me and threatened to lock me up in a room for a week with...dull people!  Hands up, "ok, ok I’ll take a dive, I’ll go nuts please, but please, don’t shut me up all alone with them..."


Are you pushing Ed out in front of you so that he is the first to go? Or have you thought of teaming up with him? By the sound of Mike's post I don’t think you will be able to recruit him. And I don’t know if you are picking up sports strategies from your kid but in partnerships your only as good as your weakest link. But my guess is that you just want Ed to go for it so you can watch from the sidelines and indulge your sadistic amusement.

You mistake my exchanges as "rants" but they are actually queries, just fashioned in an unorthodox manner.

George and Mike,
Your welcome to be my coach and trainer anytime.

(Edited by Newberry on 1/14, 5:05pm)

Post 48

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 6:11pmSanction this postReply
An artist always over-analyzing!

Look, it's very simple: I am a woman, who is, by default, very subjective. There's no strategy at all. Ed rooted for me on the other thread, so I'll root for him here. Besides, Ed has proven to be quite formidable. His punches may not be as deadly, but his analytical style may just be what's needed to thaw those flying berry or melon juices.

Ed, you are not scared by our seemingly mighty opponents, are you? Their over-confidence will be their biggest weakness. We just need to be patient. Wait till Newberry mess up "c's and "g's", "p's" and "b's", or "t's" and "d's" again. I am sure it'll be very soon. His own mistakes will do most of the job for us already. Go! Ed!

Post 49

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 1:18pmSanction this postReply
Walking down the aisle, head/face covered by the hood of a colorful robe, surrounded by his posse (Hong & others). As the mat of the ring comes into his hood-narrowed view, his blood pressure rises, he smashes his gloves together, creating a thunderous noise that makes people flinch in their seats ... "I'm gonna' squash this guy like a melon!"

The bell is rung, Ed races across the ring (with his left up). The melon proves mobile, but Ed has the patience and knowledge of his own limitations to wait for the right time and conserve his energy. Something seems wrong, though. Ed's not swinging with full-force. He seems drowsy, all of a sudden. The melon swings, and misses, but Ed still goes down (for the count). Only the melon knows why: his gloves had been stuffed with mind-numbing cloves ...

Thanks for the support, Hong. I won't let you down. By this same day in February, we'll be baking newberry pie. He's good, I'll give him that. He's been around the block a few times. But he's neither omniscient nor omnipotent -- and I'm no intellectual pushover, myself.

[aka slugger]

Post 50

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 5:42pmSanction this postReply
Get a cold, Ed - then the clove of a glove would not slove ye to the ground.;-)

Post 51

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:14amSanction this postReply
Get a cold, Ed
What?? And break my record?! I've gone for YEARS without a cold, and don't intend to get one anytime soon. I have learned how to prevent disease(s). That's one arena where I AM the champ. So I'll just have to de-sensitive my olfactory receptors to cloves, that's all.



Post 52

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 1:02pmSanction this postReply
Hong: "An artist always over-analyzing!"
M:  That is always what non-introspective people say!

Hong: "[Ed’s] punches may not be as deadly, but his analytical style MAY just be what's needed to thaw those flying berry or melon juices. [Emphasis mine. :)]...There's no strategy at all...Ed, you are not scared by our mighty opponents, are you?

M: Good luck Ed. If your hanging on Hong for help, your in trouble. But I caution you, Hong is not stupid and be weary of her sadistic streak that enjoys watching other people argue. I am afraid she is using you as a decoy, and hoping that while I am distractedly (!) hobnobbing with you that she, after hours, days, or years of patiently waiting can blast me out of the water.


Ed speaking about Ed: "Ed has the patience and knowledge of his own limitations to wait for the right time and conserve his energy...Something seems wrong...He seems drowsy...Ed goes down [before one blow can be struck]...and [Ed is] no intellectual pushover..."

M: (Yawn)

Wake me up guys when we get there.


Post 53

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 1:51pmSanction this postReply
Michael, of all my friendly adversaries, you are the most recent. But I do feel the need to say that those cloves must, now, be dulling your brain ...

M: Good luck[,] Ed. If you[']r[e] hanging on[to] Hong for help, [then] you[']r[e] in trouble.
I do realize that you are an artist, and that you should be allowed a certain level of freedom-of-expression. But grammar, sir, is not something that is in the eye of the beholder! Do you have an explanation for yourself?

M: (Yawn)
Well, that explains that!

[team Ed: 1 point; team Newberry: (yawn)]

hahahehe! I've scored a point on thee (though, admittedly, on a mere grammatical technicality)!


Post 54

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 3:55pmSanction this postReply

I am impressed, I don't think you scored any points but at least you didn't knock yourself out this time.

Can't get me on grammar or spelling,  you have to score conceptually.

Post 55

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 4:55pmSanction this postReply
Grammar is not conceptual?

Post 56

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 5:22pmSanction this postReply

“you have to score conceptually.”

This sounds like he’s telling you how he likes being hit on, Ed.


Ed, run!

Post 57

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 6:39pmSanction this postReply
LOL - a conceptual artist, huh............;-)

Post 58

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 8:03pmSanction this postReply
Novus-acinum wrote ...

Can't get me on grammar or spelling,  you have to score conceptually.
Not even when I made a good conceptual joke about it? I mean, really now! You, like the arrogant Hare, slept through your own demise -- while I, like the patient Tortoise, capitalized on your transient incoherency. Here's the kicker (in case you didn't get the joke in that response of mine to your sleepy-headed muddledness) ...

Your aim was to show how you were so good that you could handle opposition in a state of drowsiness -- and that a battle would be so trivial as to bore you. In your self-imposed stupor, you defeated yourself (you put your own neck in the noose) and I merely pulled the lever that sealed your fate and ended, once-and-for-all, any backing that you might've had for your boorish pretentiousness and self-stupifying hubris.


[does victory dance]

[giant killer]

Post 59

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 8:16pmSanction this postReply
Someone with great insight into this matter had said ...

Their over-confidence will be their biggest weakness. We just need to be patient. Wait till Newberry mess up "c's and "g's", "p's" and "b's", or "t's" and "d's" again. I am sure it'll be very soon. His own mistakes will do most of the job for us already.
How prophetic!


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