| Christopher Hitchens' Column "FIGHTING WORDS" in Slate Magazine - Posted Tuesdays, and sometimes more often, this column by noted writer, free-thinker, and exile from the left is fully archived and as entertaining as it is enlightening. Hitchens, who considers himself a contrarian, has written books on Orwell, Jefferson, and much else. His latest book, God is not Great, is excerpted in the April 25, 2007 entry.
(Added by Ted Keer
on 4/28, 11:04pm)
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 | AnalPhilosopher--Keith Burgess-Jackson, J.D., Ph.D. - Why is Rand not treated well? There are, off the top of my head, five reasons. First, she was not credentialed. While she attended college, she did not receive a graduate degree. Second, she wrote for a popular audience (i.e., an audience of intelligent laypeople). Third, she was a woman. Fourth, she was an egoist and a capitalist, both of which go against the academic grain. Fifth, she’s envied. Let me address these reasons in turn. I welcome elaboration and criticism from other philosophers.[read more]
(Added by Robert Davison
on 8/07, 2:51pm)
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