| BOOK TV - Book TV, a production of CSPAN2, is an incredible resource, available on US cable stations, aired Saturdays through Mondays, and is available with archived webcasts at this link. Authors such as Milton Friedman (2000), Camille Paglia (2003), Victor David Hanson (2004), and many others are interviewed at length, commercial-free. Christopher Hitchens will appear live on Sunday April 29th from 1:30-5:30 pm on a panel discussion on religion and atheism.
(Added by Ted Keer
on 4/28, 4:45pm)
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| Christopher Hitchens' Column "FIGHTING WORDS" in Slate Magazine - Posted Tuesdays, and sometimes more often, this column by noted writer, free-thinker, and exile from the left is fully archived and as entertaining as it is enlightening. Hitchens, who considers himself a contrarian, has written books on Orwell, Jefferson, and much else. His latest book, God is not Great, is excerpted in the April 25, 2007 entry.
(Added by Ted Keer
on 4/28, 11:04pm)
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 | AnalPhilosopher--Keith Burgess-Jackson, J.D., Ph.D. - Why is Rand not treated well? There are, off the top of my head, five reasons. First, she was not credentialed. While she attended college, she did not receive a graduate degree. Second, she wrote for a popular audience (i.e., an audience of intelligent laypeople). Third, she was a woman. Fourth, she was an egoist and a capitalist, both of which go against the academic grain. Fifth, she’s envied. Let me address these reasons in turn. I welcome elaboration and criticism from other philosophers.[read more]
(Added by Robert Davison
on 8/07, 2:51pm)
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| Bastiat the Great - We could use more Bastiats today, writes Henry Hazlitt. We have, in fact, desperate need of them. But we have, thank Heaven, Bastiat himself, in a new translation; and the reader of these pages will not only still find them, as Cobden did, "as amusing as a novel," but astonishingly modern, for the sophisms he answers are still making their appearance, in the same form and almost in the same words, in nearly every issue of today's newspapers.
(Added by Peter Skup
on 1/31, 7:40am)
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