
Rebirth of Reason

News: Horror

Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
Who Will Pay For Mom's Or Dad's Nursing Home Bill? Filial Support Laws And Long-Term Care
Posted by Luke Setzer on 4/26, 10:35am
With Baby Boomers depleting their own personal finances and draining the welfare state in nursing homes, states are resurrecting enforcement of archaic filial responsibility laws to extort back payments from their children for those nursing home stays.(Read more...)
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2.3 Million Little Red Hens
Posted by Luke Setzer on 2/13, 4:38pm
"Over the last hundred years Americans have seen the socialist/communist/Marxist agenda go from something to despise and fear to something many believe compassionate and desirable. Should these systems prevail and fundamentally change America, many will find the Utopian ideas used by the would-be-tyrants were nothing m...(Read more...)
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Pope Blasts the 'Tyranny' of Unfettered Capitalism
Posted by Luke Setzer on 11/26, 8:15pm
What's new?(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
This Is Why Poor People's Bad Decisions Make Perfect Sense
Posted by Luke Setzer on 11/25, 8:33am
The author argues that poverty inculcates short-term survival mode thinking which in turn generates more poverty. Some of the comments at the site reflect my own questions about how people get into this state in the first place and then stay there. The comment from a Scandinavian about how those nations handle untrus...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 18Sanctions: 18
Sanctions: 18
The True Source of the Autism "Epidemic"
Posted by Luke Setzer on 10/15, 2:55pm
Change the yardstick and you change the measurement. From the article: Medscape: What are the significant changes in diagnostic criteria for autism between 1980 and 1994? Dr. Gernsbacher: Whereas the 1980 DSM-III entry required satisfying six mandatory criteria, the more recent 1994 DSM-IV offers 16 opt...(Read more...)
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If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person
Posted by Luke Setzer on 9/10, 1:51pm
The sensible comments to this "horror file" item give me hope for our future.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
Cyprus Seizes Bank Accounts
Posted by Michael E. Marotta on 3/30, 7:58am
Cyrus was a "tax haven" for foreign investors.  But now the government is bankrupt and it will get its money from everyone with more than €100,000 in the bank.  This article from The Guardfian quotes and cites errors, omissions, ignorance, and evil.  (See also this Reuters article for the details of the "loan" o...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 21Sanctions: 21
Sanctions: 21
The Big Whimper of Modern Philosophy
Posted by Michael E. Marotta on 11/12, 7:03pm
A modern philosophy book that ignores Ayn Rand lacks a firm foundation. Rand could be dismissed as a minor 20th century philosopher.  This book also ignores William James and Bertrand Russell.  But The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke by Dean A. Kowalski, editor (John Wiley & Sons...(Read more...)
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Obama warns 'unelected' Supreme Court against striking down health law
Posted by Luke Setzer on 4/03, 5:26am
Evidently the Communist-in-Chief never read the Constitution or studied the concept of separation of powers: The president spoke at length about the case at a joint press conference with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. The president, adopting what he described as the language of conservatives who fret about ju...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5
The Folly of Sacrificing Integrity to Kindness in Competitions
Posted by Luke Setzer on 9/27, 10:34am
Oh ... is that is what the competition is all about, is it? If so, then that criteria needs to be disclosed at the outset, with a statement like this: "To all Competitors: Awards will be given according to the judges' assessment of which children most need affirmation and a sense of self-worth, and all other qua...(Read more...)
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