Smoking bans are now old news. From the article: "New York City has taken a bold step in the fight against obesity and heart disease. Today the New York City Department of Health announced a proposal to limit all trans fats from New York restaurants. A public hearing is scheduled for Oct. 30."(Read more...)
According to BBC WORLD NEWS broadcast May 30, 2006 GMT 0200, Switzerland has won a WIPO suit against the man who owns the domain names, and Stefan Frey has owned them since 1995 and he must give them up without compensation on the theory that "nations deserve to own their names."
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Nanny State Weeks May 22 through June 4 Posted by Luke Setzer
on 5/17, 6:37am
From our daily e-mail news at work: NATIONAL "CLICK IT OR TICKET" MOBILIZATION Nearly one in five Americans (or 18 percent nationally) still fail to regularly wear their safety belts when driving or riding in a motor vehicle, according to a new report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administratio...(Read more...)
National Day of Prayer 2006 Posted by Luke Setzer
on 4/20, 1:53pm
I just received this notice in my e-mail today. I classified it as a "horror" news item for posting here. Need I say more? The notice speaks for itself. National Aeronautics and Space Administration John F. Kennedy Space Center Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 April 20, 2006 Reply to At...(Read more...)
Just in time for tax season, here is an informational diagram of U.S. Congress' spending in 2004 by "-mibi". As a fun game, try finding the areas where the government outside its proper role. Imagine cutting the links to these areas and reducing the areas you think are valid, but too large. Then, when you are filing ...(Read more...)
Rev.13:16: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Ayn Rand, when asked about civil diso...(Read more...)
Richard Dawkins when asked what the most dangerous idea is answered that it is the concept of retribution and implicitly individual responsibility and free will. He elaborated:
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I am no fan of Mother Jones magazine, but this graphic illustration of the expanding influence of religious zealots should give any secularist a cause for pause.(Read more...)