Per the Ayn Rand Institute Campus Events page: University of California, Los Angeles Thursday, April 12, 2007 Panel Discussion: "Totalitarian Islam's Threat to the West" Dr. Yaron Brook, Dr. Daniel Pipes, and Dr. Wafa Sultan Moore 100 7:00pm Club Contact: Arthur Lec...(Read more...)
In November, 2004, Nicole Smalkowski -- a student at Hardesty Oklahoma High School and member of the female basketball squad -- was ordered by her coach to participate in a game-time recitation of the "Lord's Prayer." Ms. Smalkowski, an Atheist, refused and was then banished to the locker room. Days later, following a ...(Read more...)
The students at Hilltop Children's Center in Seattle have learned the following: "A house is good because it is a community house." "We should have equal houses. They should be standard sizes." "It's important to have the same amount of power as other people over your building." (Read more...)
The bureaucrats in the city of Cocoa, Florida have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that a small percentage of "blighted" rental properties reflects a need to require all landlords to maintain occupational licenses and subject their units to annual code inspections. I really have to wonder if any of the people backi...(Read more...)
The Washington area is becoming a job machine. So why aren't regions around the country trying to emulate it, as they did Silicon Valley in the 1990s? The simple answer is that they can't. "If you can force the rest of the country to send you money or go to jail, it does wonders for your economy," says northern Virgini...(Read more...)